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11/14 The College of New Rochelle Challenges High School Students to “Wonder” About the College Experience at Special Event 8:30 AM

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — What happens to your brain when lightning strikes? How do we heal emotionally from trauma? The College of New Rochelle will open its classrooms to high school students interested in learning about the collegiate environment during a special event, entitled “Have You Ever Wondered: The College Experience” on Saturday, November 14, beginning at 8:30 a.m. The School of Arts & Sciences and the School of Nursing will offer mini-sessions led by CNR faculty on topics ranging from shark biology to women in Arab culture. CNR tours will also be available during the event.

The sessions are geared to appeal to students with a wide range of interests, or to help them discover new ones. Dr. Melanie Harasym, associate professor of biology, will lead a dissection of a dogfish shark in a “Sharknado” session, while Dr. Nahed Noureddine, assistant professor of French and Spanish, will present a look at “Arab World and Culture” through the work and lives of influential women.  Offerings also include “Trauma Drama: How Do We Heal Emotionally from Trauma,” “Nursing: Do I Have What it Takes?” and the entrepreneurship-focused “Trump Me!”

“Asking questions and obtaining answers changes the fate of our world. The ability to think critically is key to understanding the world around us and succeeding in college. This day is centered around the student-faculty relationship which plays a huge role in the CNR college experience. Students and their families will have the opportunity to interact and forge relationships with faculty that day, while receiving a sneak peek into academic life at CNR, ” explained Danielle Wozniak, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences.