NEW ROCHELLE, NY — Each May, the NY State League of Women Voters puts on a special program, “Students Inside Albany.” This conference is an intensive, four-day training experience designed to immerse students in the process by which public policy is proposed, enacted, and changed in New York State, and to educate students on how they can influence and affect this process. Albany insiders discuss the operations of state government, including how policy is shaped. Students develop knowledge of the disparate forces that influence policy development. In addition, students are given the opportunity to shadow Assembly members and Senators and to observe Assembly and Senate sessions in action.
This year, our New Rochelle League is sponsoring New Rochelle High School student Emely Celine Munroe, a graduating senior. Emely will be attending Binghamton University in September and majoring in Political Science. She reports that she is “extremely thrilled to be attending the Students in Albany Conference since politics is my passion, and grateful for this amazing opportunity to begin my career.” The New Rochelle League thanks NRHS teacher Debbie Minchin for her help in selecting this year’s candidate.