Then-Principal Sonya Nunez Introduces then-Assistant Principal Michael Galland at Columbus in June 2012

Principal Leaves New Rochelle School with Lead Issues to Run School with Financial Misconduct Issues

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — Michael Galland announced today that he has resigned as Principal at George M. Davis Jr. Elementary School and accepted a position as Principal at Columbus Elementary School.

“Until recently, I imagined the balance of my working career invested at Davis,” said Galland in a letter to the Davis School Community. “There are issues at Columbus, however, that require immediate attention, and Dr. Osborne has determined that I am uniquely positioned to address them this summer.”

Galland has previously taught at Columbus Elementary School and Isaac E. Young Middle School. From 2012-13, he served one year as Assistant Principal at the school under former-Principal Sonya Nunez who resigned unexpectedly after allegations of financial misconduct surfaced. He was appointed Principal at Davis in 2013.

Davis Assistant Principal Anthony Bambrola will serve as interim-Principal at Davis School.


Seasoned Educator Michael Galland Named Principal of Columbus Elementary School

The City School District of New Rochelle Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian G. Osborne announced today that he will recommend the appointment of Michael Galland as principal of Columbus Elementary School to the Board of Education at the Board’s Annual Organizational Meeting on Tuesday, July 5.

“Mr. Galland is an exceptional leader in our schools,” stated Dr. Osborne. “His proven track record of success makes him ideally suited for this position at this time. Every Columbus student, teacher, and family will benefit from his leadership.”

Galland has served New Rochelle Schools for 18 years, most recently as principal of the George M. Davis, Jr. Elementary School, a position held since 2013. Prior to this, Galland served as Assistant Principal for Columbus. For nearly a decade, he led the Math and Technology department at Isaac E. Young Middle School (2003-2011). His roots in the district were planted at Columbus Elementary School in 1998 when he joined Columbus as a 3rd and 4th grade teacher.

Galland shared, “I have been honored to work at Davis among so many fully devoted teachers and families. I am now grateful for the opportunity to rejoin an exceptional and vibrant Columbus school community.”

As a graduate of Tufts University and Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Galland is credited with successfully leading Davis staff in adopting a new and innovative reading and writing workshop curricula. He’s also overseen efforts across the district to create a blended, constructivist-based mathematics curriculum supporting Common Core Learning Standards.

Galland, 46, is bilingual in Spanish and English. He is married and has three young children. His wife, Milagro Galland, is a 2nd grade teacher at Jefferson Elementary School, also in New Rochelle.

Interviews for the Davis principal position will take place the week of July 4th. Resumes have already been vetted, and 10-12 candidates are expected to receive in-person interviews.


June 22, 2016

Davis Families:

I write to you right now with a mix of deeply felt and conflicting emotions.

A few weeks ago, after a sudden and unexpected change of leadership at Columbus Elementary School, Dr. Osborne asked me to accept an appointment as Principal at Columbus. After much reflection, I have accepted the offer and transfer.

It is impossible for me to capture in words the respect and connection I feel for Davis and the gratitude I feel for the opportunity to have worked here for the last three years. I am profoundly aware of the power and potential of this school. Davis teachers are devoted, caring, and conscientious; I have been moved and honored to work alongside such a capable and dedicated corps of educators. Davis students represent the best of New Rochelle as our schools’ broad diversity mirrors the larger city as a whole. Davis families’ support for our staff and instructional programs is unequaled.

Until recently, I imagined the balance of my working career invested at Davis, and the prospect of working at Davis for many more years made me again recognize how blessed I have been. I have been inspired by our teachers’ work adapting new curricula. It has been an honor to work alongside Davis teachers to sustain strong relationships with your children and your families.

There are issues at Columbus, however, that require immediate attention, and Dr. Osborne has determined that I am uniquely positioned to address them this summer.

Mr. Bambrola will work at Davis throughout summer to assure that all work, long-range planning, communications, and scheduling are completed successfully. Mr. Bambrola has proven that his leadership and steady management skills are strong. He has a comprehensive understanding of how to direct and nurture our school’s instructional goals and initiatives.

It is with gratitude and mixed emotions that I say goodbye. I have been honored and privileged to support the work Davis staff does each day for your children and for our school.

Thank you for your support, your trust, and for your kindness throughout.


Michael Galland