NEW ROCHELLE, NY — New Rochelle’s commercial streets will benefit from the added attention of local businesses and organizations through the City’s new Adopt-a-Street program. Launched this summer, Adopt-a-Street focuses on the beautification of corridors within and surrounding business districts.
Application is open to New Rochelle businesses, not-for-profits, civic groups and governmental entities. The program requires a minimum of six scheduled cleanups throughout the year, including a major cleanup in the spring. The City will provide the necessary supplies. Participants will be recognized on signage along the adopted street section.
“By partnering with local businesses, institutions, neighborhood associations, and civic groups, we can keep New Rochelle’s roadways looking their best,” said Mayor Noam Bramson.
Program guidelines and an application form are available on the City website or by calling the Bureau of Streets and Highways at (914) 235-4029.