
Dancing with our Stars

Written By: Talk of the Sound News


(1) On November 16th, New Rochelle High School PTSA will be showing Beyond Measure (see attached flyer) 

Rather than ask why our students fail to measure up, this film asks us to reconsider the greater purpose of education. What if our education system valued personal growth over test scores? Put inquiry over mimicry? Encouraged passion over rankings? What if we decided that the higher aim of school was not the transmission of facts or formulas, but the transformation of every student? And what if this paradigm-shift was driven from the ground up? By students, parents, and educators? By all of us?

(2) On October 20th at the VIP Club, Dr. Osborne will take off his Superintendent’s cap and put on his dancing shoes all for a worthy cause (see Information below); to provide high-quality community service programs with leading-edge social skills interventions, mentoring and leadership opportunities for our children with autism and ADHD. 

You are cordially invited to honor

Colin Gillespie

President of Lego Education


Dr. Brian Osborne

Superintendent City School District of New Rochelle


Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.

for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner & dancing


VIP County Club

600 Davenport Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10805

Ticket $95 per person


Table and Ticket Sponsorships, 

Underwriting Opportunities and Journal Ads Sponsorships also available.

Special Awards:

Franco Miele

Kimberly Peluso

Ann Marie Rooney

Joanna Genovese

Edie Barasch

Anthony DiCarlo

Inas Morsi-Hogans

Roz Costabile

Jacob Sandoval

Benjamin Gross