Boys and GIrls Club New Rochelle Logo.jpg

10/19 Club of New Rochelle to hold Lights On Afterschool Rally 4 PM

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — TheBoys & Girls Club of New Rochelle afterschool program will sponsor a Lights On Afterschool rally onWednesday, October 19th from 4pm-7pm. The rally will be one of more than an expected 8,000 such events across America as part of Lights On Afterschool, the annual nationwide celebration of afterschool programs organized by the Afterschool Alliance. This year, Lights On Afterschool will highlight youth voices in the upcoming national election, encouraging kids to share their thoughts with the next president and teaching them about our electoral process.  

Speakers in New Rochelle will call for expanding afterschool opportunities so that every child who needs a program has access to one, and discuss the benefits of afterschool programs, including inspiring children to learn, keeping them safe in the hours when juvenile crime peaks, and providing relief to working families. At the event, parents and supporters will sign a petition that urges lawmakers not to deny or divert funding for afterschool programs.  

The event will spotlight the range of programming available at the Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle, including all of its Afterschool Sites and much more. Hundreds of parents, supporters and community members are expected to attend.

•What:Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle Lights On Afterschool Rally

•When:Wednesday, October 19th, 4pm-7pm

•Where:Feeney Park, 79 Seventh Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801

Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is Founding Chair of Lights On Afterschool, a position he has held since 2001. 

TheBoys & Girls Club of New Rochelle opened in 1929 during the Great Depression.  It now serves 1200 children, providing homework assistance, mentoring, tutoring, and classes and clubs in sports, recreation, mathematics, chess, and dozens of other subjects.  We have two Clubhouses and three school sites inside Elementary Schools.

The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit public awareness and advocacy organization working to ensure that all children have access to quality afterschool programs.  More information on Lights On Afterschool is available at