Cardinal Timothy Dolan Captivates Crowd of 700 at BCW Annual Dinner

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

WHITE PLAINS, NY — Cardinal Timothy Dolan captivated a crowd of more than 700 people with his message about faith and morals in business at the Business Council of Westchester’s Annual Dinner at the Rye Town Hilton.

Describing Westchester as a “real slice of the heart of America,” he added, “To have Westchester as part of my flock, means the world to me.’’ Jokingly referring to the packed room as a “two collection crowd,” The Archbishop of New York, interspersed his more serious message with one-liners that kept the audience entertained. Cardinal Dolan said while he did not consider himself a business leader, but was happy to talk about “the role of faith and morals when it comes to being a good leader.” “The three essentials to being a good effective leader, are soul, mind and heart,’’ said Dolan, who pointed to the three most recent Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis as role models for these three qualities.He thanked business leaders for their contributions to the community and their charitable works. “We need to be whole people – the soul, the mind, the heart,’’ he said.

Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a protégée of Cardinal Dolan’s, opened the evening, thanking the Cardinal for his leadership in pressing for the Educational Tax Credit legislation in New York State.

Dr. Marsha Gordon, President and CEO of the Business Council of Westchester and the night’s emcee, said the Cardinal exemplified the evening’s theme of leadership.  “He blends compassion with commitment to make New York at better place for us all to work and live,’’ she added.

John Ravitz, Vice President and COO of the Business Council of Westchester, who introduced the Cardinal, called him “an undisputed global leader” with a “strong belief in fostering economic development and creating jobs for young people.”

Cardinal Dolan was named Archbishop of New York by Pope Benedict XVI on February 23, 2009 and appointed to the College of Cardinals on January 6, 2012. He previously served as Archbishop of Milwaukee. A native of Missouri, Cardinal Dolan was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of St. Louis in 1976.

Cardinal Dolan is the latest exceptional figure to serve as a distinguished guest for the BCW’s signature event of the year.  Past speakers have included New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, Fox News correspondent Tucker Carlson, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough from MSNBC’s popular Morning Joe show, film producer and Miramax founder Harvey Weinstein, and 60 Minutes reporter Steve Kroft.