Craft Brews and Barbecue Come to the Westchester County Center.jpg

03/25 Craft Brews and Barbecue Come to the Westchester County Center 3 PM

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

WHITE PLAINS, NY — Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy St Patrick’s Day to all Beer Drinkers! It’s Christmas, New Years  and St Patrick’s Day all in one at the Beer Fest of Westchester March 25th at The Westchester County Center. Over 300 craft brews from all over the Region will be featured in the cozy comfort of the Westchester County Center. Local Craft Brewers like Yonkers Brewing and Captain Lawrence plus major beer distributors like Bertolini & Son, Manhattan Beer, Heineken and Oak Beverages will have their Craft products ready for tasting!

The Beer Fest of Westchester isn’t only Beer! Attendees will be entertained by the local and very popular Shilelagh Law and their Bare Knuckle Irish Music! In addition to beer and music, food vendors will be on hand with barbecue galore- the perfect match for the perfect Brew!

The Beer Fest of Westchester is the place for Beer aficionados and those who just love to savor some of the hundreds of Craft beers that will be poured.

Beer Fest of Westchester 2017- the biggest Beer Fest in Westchester starts at 4PM Saturday, March 25th. Special VIP admission at 3PM. Tickets start at $60 and can be purchased at The Westchester County Center box Office or at Ticketmaster and

For more details check out

Beer Fest reminds all to please taste responsibly!