WHITE PLAINS, NY — Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino encourages you to jump in on the fun at Westchester’s “Summer Happenings,” a series of special events scheduled at the county-operated pools and beaches this summer. The series will feature Family Fun Days, Public Safety Days, and a sand castle contest.
“In addition to swimming to stay cool this summer, Westchester residents can enjoy music, dancing and learning about our local heroes, or even show off their artistic abilities in a sand castle contest” Astorino said.
The schedule is as follows:
· Saxon Woods Pool, White Plains
Family Fun Day
Saturday, July 15 (Rain date July 16)
Noon – 4 p.m.
DJ music and dancing, games and fun for all ages.
· Willson’s Wave Pool, Mount Vernon
Public Safety Day
Wednesday, July 19 (Rain date July 20)
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Find out what our local heroes do to keep your family safe every day
Family Fun Day
Saturday, July 29 (Rain date July 30)
Noon – 4 p.m.
DJ music and dancing, games and fun for all ages.
· Tibbetts Brook Park, Yonkers
Family Fun Day
Saturday, July 22 (Rain date July 23)
Noon – 4 p.m.
DJ music and dancing, games and fun for all ages.
Public Safety Day
Wednesday, July 26 (Rain date July 27)
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Find out what our local heroes do to keep your family safe every day.
· Glen Island Park, New Rochelle
Sand Castle Contest
Saturday, August 5 (Rain date Aug. 6)
11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The Sand Castle event asks residents to put on their thinking caps and create a sand castle masterpiece. Registration and rules for the Sand Castle Contest can be found at parks.westchestergov.com.
Family Fun Day
Saturday, August 5 (Rain date Aug. 6)
Noon – 4 p.m.
DJ music and dancing, games and fun for all ages.
Westchester County residency is required for all events. Participation in all events is free with your paid admission to the pool or beach.
Go to parks.westchestergov.com or call (914) 864-PARK