NEW ROCHELLE, NY — On Sunday, November 19, members and volunteers of New Rochelle Cares AIP (Aging in Place) celebrated their second anniversary with a luncheon at Posto 22. All in attendance enjoyed the new and rewarding friendships that have developed through this wonderful organization.
New Rochelle Cares AIP is a volunteer operated not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to providing New Rochelle residents (aged 60+) the practical means and social support to live fully, safely and confidently while remaining in the community, in their own homes, as they age. It is part of network of over 200 Aging-In-Place organizations around the country which makeup the Village-to-Village Network.
Transportation and socialization are the two most essential services New Rochelle Cares AIP provides for its members through rides and programs. It aims to reduce the loneliness and isolation which too many adults face as they age. Programs have included holiday celebrations as well as educational and cultural events. To date in 2017, volunteers have already driven 2826 miles over 480 rides.
The Board and volunteers of New Rochelle Cares are proud of what they’ve accomplished in the two years the group has existed. However, since the population of New Rochelle includes approximately 20,000 adults over 60 and New Rochelle Cares AIP aims to reach and serve at least 200 of these, our work has only scratched the surface. For information about joining or becoming a volunteer, contact 914-563-8358 or