NEW YORK, NY — With the holidays upon us and home lighting and decorating in full swing, keep energy savings and safety at the top of your holiday list.
When lighting your home we encourage safety first. Here are six electric safety tips:
1. Lights timer (002)Look for the UL label. The label means the product has undergone evaluation by a recognized product safety organization.
2. Do not use inside lights outside.
3. Check electric cords for worn spots or fraying and replace the cords.
4. Don’t place electric cords under carpets or furniture.
5. Never attempt to retrieve an electrical product that has fallen in water.
6. Don’t overload outlets or powers strips. Overheated wires start fires
Con Edison also offers four simple tips to help control lighting costs.
1. If your lights are old, replace them with LEDs.
2. Save money by keeping your lights on from 6 p.m. to midnight, instead of all night long. A timer can help you do this.
3. Use Energy Star lighting products. These models meet stricter standards and can reduce energy usage up to 40 percent.
4. Use power strips to help control the energy use.
Con Edison is a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc. [NYSE: ED], one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy companies, with approximately $12 billion in annual revenues and $50 billion in assets. The utility provides electric, gas and steam service to more than 3 million customers in New York City and Westchester County, N.Y.