NEW ROCHELLE, NY — Yonkers Police Spokesperson Dean Politopoulos issued the follow statement moments ago:
In response to recent media inquiries:
“Last week the Yonkers Police initiated an investigation into allegations brought forward by a former local high school student, alleging unlawful contact between the student and a former coach / teacher; the incidents are alleged to have occurred in the late 1980’s. Due to the nature of the allegations and the amount of time elapsed, any potential criminal charges would not be eligible for prosecution. The Yonkers Police Department has a responsibility to our constituents and all involved parties to investigate these allegations and afford due process and impartiality to the same; as such, no further information will be released at this time.”
No additional statements at this time.
Regards, Dean.
D/Lt. Dean Politopoulos
Public Information Officer
NY/Westchester news outlets still running DiRienzo-Yonkers investigation story within the past 24 hours…