NEW ROCHELLE, NY — A group of mostly college-age youths led a Black Lives Matter march from Hartley Park in Mount Vernon to Lincoln Park in New Rochelle to call for justice for Kamal Flowers who was killed by New Rochelle Police a week earlier.
The parade kicked off with a speech by Mount Vernon Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard.
The group of about 150 people were escorted down Lincoln Avenue by a relay of police officers from Mount Vernon to Pelham to New Rochelle. A group of 25 people awaited them at Lincoln Park.
Over 2,000 people watched live-streamed video on Talk of the Sound (live plus saved video).
The March took about an hour to cover 2.6 Miles in the midday sun of a summer like day in the 80’s. Books from black authors ranging from Huey Newton to Michelle Obama were distributed.
Henderson Clarke, whose brother Kamal Flowers was a key inspiration for the March, gave a moving extemporaneous speech. When he finished he brought up Laura, a young woman up from the crowd. She had a sign with Kamal Flowers name on it. Clarke encouraged other people in the crowd with signs to step forward. Afterwards, Clarke thanked Laura.
As has become something of a tradition at these rallies, a number of speakers turned their attention to this reporter including Rachel Motley who posed for this photo and asked that it be published.
Black Panther Socialist Holds Vote at BLM Rally to Ban Reporter from Public Park in New Rochelle, NY