LOCK YOUR CAR: 109 Larcenies from Motor Vehicles in New Rochelle Since Memorial Day

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — Larceny from Motor Vehicle incidents have been up across the Sound Shore area and up into Fairfield County all summer. New Rochelle is no exception. Since Memorial Day Weekend, from May 23rd to August 17th there have been 109 reported car break-ins.

The hardest hit street in New Rochelle has been Lyncroft Road with four break-ins, a pair on June 17 and two more in mid-August.

Taymil Road had three incidents in a single night on June 17th.

New Rochelle Police Captain Cosmo Costa offered a few common sense tips to avoid being a victim of this rash of larcenies:

  • Lock your car
  • Close all windows
  • Remove all keys/key fob
  • Remove valuables – purses, handbags, wallets
  • Engage the alarm system (if so equipped)
  • Try to park in well-lit areas

“All of these recommendation apply everywhere, even if you park in your driveway, or in front of your house,” said Costa.

There has been no let up in August with 18 break-ins of motor vehicles so far this month.