FUSE Members Stage Protest at New Rochelle Schools

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — New Rochelle FUSE teachers and staff held a union action this morning to raise awareness that they are working without a contract.

The “walk in” protest had members across the District lining up outside their respective schools at 8:15 am and entering the buildings as a unified group at the start of the contract day at 8:25 am.

“Respect starts with a contract, and FUSE currently does not have one. Unfortunately, the City School District or New Rochelle continues to throw good money after bad with every administrator it buys out,” said New Rochelle FUSE President Mary Claire Breslin. “FUSE is the bedrock of this district. The only stability this district has is our members.”

“We teach, care, nurture, and support the students of this community. FUSE deserves a contract,” she added.