New Rochelle Marina Parking Lot Damaged by Overweight Truck

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — A new driver working for a commercial trash hauler mistakenly (and illegally) drove a heavy garbage truck onto the top deck of the New Rochelle Marina parking structure then got stuck, entangled in live electrical wires last week.

The driver told officials he believed his scheduled trash pick up was on the top when it was actually below the top deck.

Con Edison was called to the scene. The vehicle was removed after the power was switched off and the wires cut.

“We will take appropriate action against the commercial company,” said City Manager Charles B. Strome. He said the City hired a structural engineer to analyze the integrity of the parking structure. An engineer’s report is expected at the end of the week.

If the structure is sound, the parking structure will be reopened; the City will be faced with a number of expensive options including to repair in place, tear town the structure and rebuild it or something new entirely.

Most immediately impacted is Patsy’s Pizzeria which has remained open. The City of New Rochelle which owns the Marina property including the space that is home to Patsy’s is allowing Patsy’s customers to park for free on Echo Avenue, just off the parking structure.

One thought on “New Rochelle Marina Parking Lot Damaged by Overweight Truck”

  1. Is there a weight limit sign at entrance to parking lot or was the city unable to afford one due to the millions they are making in downtown?

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