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New Rochelle Superintendent Prepares High School for Next Academic Fraud
Here is a sample:
Just two short years after receiving a detailed investigation reporting documenting widespread academic fraud using the APEX Credit Recovery system and the firing of House Principal Shadia Alvarez, the Board sits idle as yet another administrator lays out the predicate for the same sort of fraud.
Over the past 15 years a parade of New Rochelle set administrators set ambitious and worthy goals with a deep flaw — the metrics used to measure success are entirely under the control of those same administrators.
There has been a certain romanticism about the AP Exam and its impact on minority students ever since the release of the 1988 film, Stand and Deliver based on the story of a East Los Angeles high school mathematics teacher, Jaime Escalante.
In real life, the progress in preparing students for AP Calculus was arduous and took years and involved the development of programs at feeder schools to prepare students to take the challenging AP Calculus Exam.
What Dr. Marrero is proposing and the Board is buying into is the Hollywood dreamland version of an AP Miracle where in 2 years otherwise failing minority students can spend summer school studying remedial math and score 4’s and 5’s, along the way, sticking it to the bad guys, portrayed as white supremacists at the College Board who do not believe low-income Hispanic youngsters can succeed on their test.
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New Rochelle Superintendent Prepares High School for Next Academic Fraud