NEW ROCHELLE, NY — On February 15, 2021, an altercation occurred involving an off-duty officer with the New Rochelle Police Department and an individual from Mount Vernon. Four days later, Police Commissioner Joe Schaller announced that a 16-year veteran of the New Rochelle Police Department had been suspended 30 days and the matter referred to the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
The department declined to release the name of the officer at that time and has still not identified the officer.
There are very few 16-year veterans on the New Rochelle Police Department.
One is Michael Vaccaro.
According to City and State records seen by Talk of the Sound, Detective Michael A. Vaccaro is a 16-year veteran of the New Rochelle Police Department.
Vaccaro was appointed to the Department on August 1, 2005, and promoted to Detective on December 15, 2017.

He is a member of the Special Investigations Unit.
In 2020, Vaccaro was paid $153,448 by the City of New Rochelle, including salary and overtime.
Vaccaro is the recipient of the Police Commissioner’s Award, eight Class C Citations, two Unit Citations, a Commendation Award, a Lifesaving Award and the Municipal Housing Award. He was named Officer of the Month for December 2018.
In the initial statement released on February 18th, the NRPD would only say that “after the initial review of this incident, the Police Department has determined that the off-duty officer’s actions were inappropriate.”
Responding to inquiries by Talk of the Sound, City Manager Charles B. Strome said later that day the officer’s actions amounted to punching the suspect in the face.
“As a uniformed officer was taking the Mount Vernon man into custody, the off-duty officer involved himself in the arrest and struck the Mount Vernon man with his fist,” said Strome.
The incident occurred 8 months after the officer-involved shooting of Kamal Flowers, a 24-year-old black man, who was killed by NRPD officer Alec McKenna.
The City Manager advised members of the City’s Clergy Rapid Response team and the City’s African American Advisory Committee of the incident, both created after Flowers’ death.
UPDATE: We reached out the City of New Rochelle, the New Rochelle Police Department and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office for comment. We will update this story with any replies.
UPDATE 3/1 4:12 PM DA SPOX: “At this time, I can confirm that the DA’s Office is investigating the incident referenced in your post.”
Folks wondering why it takes 2 weeks to investigate a punch in the face.
UPDATE 3/3 9:06 AM The City of New Rochelle and New Rochelle Police Department have ignored our inquiries on Vaccaro for 3 days, draw your own conclusions.
UPDATE 3/3 1:06 PM In response to a request for charges filed against the man punched in the face, NRPD said “As the incident is under review by the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office I am unable to release any information.”
UPDATE 3/4 9:00 AM For those with information about misconduct involving Michael Vaccaro, you can reach out to Jennifer Sculco, Deputy Bureau Chief for Law Enforcement Integrity at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
Call (914) 995-3414 and ask for her or email
Links to Past Michael Vacarro Stories + Records, Videos, Audios, etc.
lmfao, don’t date men who get boobs job, i know girls he dated and stalked by sitting outside their job in his police car and harassed on the clock, when she no longer dated him because she said he creeped her out and scared her , let’s say we grew up with similar circle for friends . – I know a lot of people who are close to him and a lot of people who he did wrong things to behind his badge, call it doing his job maybe they did something illegal but he abused his power during every arrest , when people comply and he doesn’t find what he is looking for he gets aggressive and nasty (maybe i am a bitter victim but never a bitter ex ). I know factually he lied on many police reports, He is insecure nobody who hinds behind his badge and abused it too much. Call me whatever you like but like i said many people are not surprised just surprised it took so long for him to slip up. I guess that day he didn’t have the back up he’s used too. It is what it is a Joke about a psycho path
For those with information about misconduct involving Michael Vaccaro, you can reach out to Jennifer Sculco, Deputy Bureau Chief for Law Enforcement Integrity at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
Call (914) 995-3414 and ask for her or email
I guess he didn’t send flowers when he broke your heart
Sounds like a bitter ex!
This cop is a coward D- Bag – i know people inside the NRPD – and he “supposedly” called the cops when the guy started following him after he videod a fight between this man and women in gas station .. if he was such a great
guy why did he not help the girl then or call his cop friends to help this girl in the gas station if this man was such a threat .. why wait untill being followed then call !!! ans of course hit the guy while being cuffed – i know this guy and he isn’t a great person – plus i don’t find any honor in men who get boob jobs – just sayin’ – many people he hurt hiding behind his badge been waiting for his karma – cause he lied on many police reports – some people can’t afford lawyers to fight against police because ur word against theirs and they will always lie for each other expecially – those awards he got mean nothing cause most arrest were based on targeting and lying – he’s a joke always had been
For those with information about misconduct involving Michael Vaccaro, you can reach out to Jennifer Sculco, Deputy Bureau Chief for Law Enforcement Integrity at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
Call (914) 995-3414 and ask for her or email
Is this even the guy from the article? You never confirmed that
I wanna thank you both for this endless entertainment today. Haven’t had this much joy since getting kicked off of Twitter. So a couple points to Mr. Cox.
Firstly, yes it is factually evident that a white man punched a black man
Secondly, it is factually evident that the NRPD went to the Black Clergy Committee and other organizations.
However, you fail to provide the evidence of the actual CAUSE. The fact that a white person struck a black person does not prove intent behind the action. That is assumption based on nothing other than your opinion. You provide zero evidence of this other than the cop was white which is beyond his control as is the color of the man who was punched.
You also assume that going to these black organizations was because the attack was racially motivated. I could reasonably assume they did so in an attempt to thwart any assumptions of this being racially motivated seeing the current climate of this country on this topic given the writings of such “journalists” as yourself.
There are a plethora of reasons why people do what they do. To immediately assume it’s always race solely because the suspect and victim are of different colors is simplistic and almost infantile. If the cop was black and the suspect was white would you immediately assume race was the cause? No because that would be assumption which is the case here until you can provide evidence of such.
Nowhere have I once written that the white police officer punched a black suspect in the face as a result of racial animus by the white cop against black people.
I do not assume anything about why the City reached out to anyone I just reported that is what the NRPD statement said they did (and I independently confirmed it).
Thousands of people have read this article and a couple of illiterate fools post a few idiotic comments.
To all normal people reading, welcome to my world. 🙄
You’re in the public sphere, as a reporter, being public for you is something that comes with the job.
I’m a private citizen and will defend my right to privacy on a public forum. Thank you for understanding.
I submit these posts with my email, I’m sure the email thread makes it to you. Since you’re scared to actually have me follow up with you on this, I’ll find on my own where to email you directly.
Expect something from me soon.
And again, I can’t wait to make you eat your words.
Where can I email you directly a picture of my NY drivers license?
Not everything is about race, take it from someone who is an actual minority.
You call me a coward for not wanting the community I was raised in and love to fall prey to the dark cloud of “everything and everyone I don’t agree with is racist”? Shame on you.
I can’t wait to make you eat your words.
Anyone can get hold of a drivers license and claim it is theirs over the internet. Maybe you are secretly a Nigerian Prince ready to send me a million dollars!
I call you a coward because you are one; you hide your identity and then talk tough.
The issue of race was raised not by me but by the New Rochelle Police Department and the City Manager.
I just report on what I get from them. If you do not like it call Schaller or Strome.
This is 100% a story about race, that a white cop punched a black suspect. Deal with it.
You’re implying that race had anything to do with the cop punching a civilian in the face. Without knowing if race was a motivator you keep weaving it into your reporting as if this is the reason why the cop lost his cool and, again, let down the badge and his community. I’m not excusing the cops behavior, he betrayed the trust of his community and should be punished appropriately.
Can you report on a story without fanning the flames for a race war please? Cool it with the implication in your reporting. I don’t see you putting this much effort into race in your other coverage of crime in the community. All races commit crime, all races do dumb things like this cop did.
As an early 30s minority, I’m offended that you would imply that only white older males think in the way that I do. We don’t all think the same way because of how we look on the outside.
First, you are not actually anything other than a coward who posts behind a pseudonym. I allow people to post using a pseudonym but it does not mean I respect it. You cannot both hide your identity and make unverifiable claims about your identity. Until you decide to PROVE who you are, you are whatever I say you are.
As to your “point”, as I have explained elsewhere, I can only laugh at the ludicrous notion that the “real” reason you are upset is because I wrote a headline to a story that accurately states the issue in this matter.
The fact that NRPD released a statement, in and of itself, is ENTIRELY 100% because a white cop is alleged to have punched a black guy in the face.
Had a white cop punched a white guy in the face there would have been no discussions with the Black Clergy Rapid Response Team or the African-American Advisory Committee, there would have been no NRPD Statement as was demanded by members of both.
There would have been no referral to the DA.
I do not believe the cop would be facing termination with a rare 30-Day UNPAID suspension.
It is ALL about race, white cop assaults black suspect.
That you or anyone else would pretend otherwise is bag-of-rocks dumb.
I suggest you direct your “concern” for peace, love and understanding to Police Commissioner Joe Schaller or City Manager Charles B. Strome, the people who put out the statements I published; the people who had discussions with the Black Clergy Rapid Response Team or the African-American Advisory Committee before acting and highlighted that in the NRPD statement.
What I find interesting in the comments I have received from people who I believe share your “concern” about what adjectives I use in my headlines is that despite their “concerns” for racial equality they ignore that fellow members of NRPD are the ones who reported this cop. In my experience, it would have to be pretty bad for the cops called to the scene to go to Internal Affairs and effectively end the guy’s career.
What I find most newsworthy about the actions of NRPD this week is that THEY approached the Black Clergy and Black Advisory Committee, then acceded to their demands so that NRPD released a statement to announce disciplinary charges and a DA referral.
And yet somehow the real issue is my headline 🙄
No more race baiting. This is a story about a cop who lost his cool and brought shame on the badge and on his community by not being the composed role model we expect the police to be.
I’m a lifelong resident of New Rochelle and it’s truly upsetting that in times when we should be coming together as a community of all colors and all socio-economic backgrounds, we have to ALWAYS bring race into it.
Right now we’re living under a forced mandate that restricts our freedoms – mandate placed on us by a failed NY governor and corrupt administration.
Our beautiful glen island park has been taken away from us, our children have had a year of their lives stolen from them, our businesses have shut down for good. Jesus Christ lets get together and truly fix the ills of the community.
This isn’t left vs right white vs black, this should be about the community standing up to protect ourselves, each other, from the things that are truly destroying our society.
Let’s do better and be better to our fellow man.
This is a story about a white cop who punched a black suspect in the face.
Not sure how that is NOT a racial issue.
Seems like the only people who cannot comprehend that this IS a racial issue are older, white, males.
Now why is that, I wonder?
That’s a whitesplaination if I’ve ever heard one! You statement was replete with all of the usual racist dog whistles like “unemployed” “Poor” “Disturbed”. Where, pray-tell, did you get any of that? Oh, from the ‘I’m a secret racist toolkit of Subleminal Racism’… Cool, I get it… “(of a white person) to comment on… or explain racism to a person of color in a condescending or blaming way” Sy they have your picture as the poster boy of the Whitesplaination!
I hate to say this but crimes happens and is commited by the unemployed or uneducated or poor upbringing or disturbed people who have little or no real family support. These people and even the Police can a stupid bad act. It is not necessary racist, but a survival mode kick in.
Obviously, you are too uneducated and had such a poor upbringing with so little family support that you cannot read.
If you were not so lazy and ignorant you would know the only “crime” alleged here an alleged assault of a black man by a white police officer which is the assault by the cop has been referred to the DA.
You will note that the NRPD has not said there any charges against the black man who was punched in the face.
Do yourself a favor and quit while you are behind.
Mayor Noam Bramson praised Michael Vaccaro in 2016 State of the City address:
State of the City 2016: Wheels Up
by Noam Bramson | Mar 3, 2016
You want to know why New Rochelle is ideally yours?
Or ask Police officers William Odell, Evangelos Geralis, Dwayne Jones, Chris Hearle, Claudio Carpano, Sean Kane, Yadilene Machado, Michael Vaccaro, and Chris Guglielmo.
You people leaving negative comments are literally retarded. The cop got lifesaving awards and a municipal housing award. There is literally nothing said negative about him. The idea that it was even him who punched the guy is assumption. Now assume it was him. Did anyone read the article of what happened? That the guy was fighting with a woman and the cop was recording it. Then the guy followed the cop home harassing him. I’m sure no one else would have punched him in the face too 🙄
Not only did I read the article, I wrote the article.
The guy who was arguing (not fighting) with his mom (not just “a woman”) did not “follow a cop home” but rather “followed a guy who had been video recording him, a few blocks on Main Street” not “home”. The NRPD statement says the cop was off-duty (ie, not in uniform) and does not say the cop ever identified himself as a police officer.
The question then is did YOU read the article.
Regardless, your point seems to be that an off-duty police officer has every right to involve themselves in taking a suspect into custody by punching the person in the face. Perhaps more so if the officer is white and the suspect is black. Isn’t THAT your point?
The questions I would like to see answered:
1. If an off-duty police officer observes what he says is a crime (attempted assault) why does he fail to call it in and let on-duty police officers deal with it?
2. What purpose was served by video recording the incident?
3. Having observed a crime, why did the off-duty police officer leave the scene?
Can i answer? I did not read story. I am not on any side. I. Maybe he felt the situation was immediately wrong to hit a woman(mother) So the police jumped in without thinking to help. This happens. 2. The cop recorded? If he did, it is required by cops to wear cameras , i believe. 3. The cop leaving , i do not know why. Situation solved??
If you did not read the story why would have the slightest interest in your opinion?
Seriously, dude, it are illiterate then ask someone to READ the story aloud for you.
If you CAN read and are just lazy then bugger off.
A Citizen arrest or as a good samaritan off duty cop?? Seriously! the off duty cop stopped an assault like any normal man- gentlemen would do for a woman hurt.
No dum dum.
I realize you are too stupid and lazy to read the article but the cop LEFT THE SCENE of what his lawyer claims was an “attempted assault”.
He did not “stop” an assault. His lawyer says he observed an “attempted assault” but rather than call police or make an arrest he pulled out his phone and began to make a video recording then drove off.
My hero 🙄
We supposed to have a task force to investigate these bad detective cops who are undisciplined and racist toward black men .
He is one a of racial bias racist and corrupt detective .. he is not the only bad one …. They have to investigate all the precinct to get more bad apple.
For those with information about misconduct involving Michael Vaccaro, you can reach out to Jennifer Sculco, Deputy Bureau Chief for Law Enforcement Integrity at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
Call (914) 995-3414 and ask for her or email
The corrupt one is protecting one and another , this doesn’t suprise me from new rochelle internal detective . They are bias thugs in badge with uniform.
Sad world, no justice. Everywhere is made up-rigged, or preplanned or fake news. The election of 74 million people voted; believed a “show and tell” ; pathlogical lier. He blamed others, or pushed other people to do his dirty jobs for his personal agenda. i chose to vote for a old, honest, experienced negotiator politician Biden and his woman lawyer Harris.
For those with information about misconduct involving Michael Vaccaro, you can reach out to Jennifer Sculco, Deputy Bureau Chief for Law Enforcement Integrity at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
Call (914) 995-3414 and ask for her or email
NRPD is a joke hire more POC/Women! You have to be Italian or Irish
Why so much black crime though?
17 years on and u punch a guy in handcuffs..coward move…no balls
Dj i cannot believe what I just read that you wrote . You stole every single word out of my mouth . That man is the definition of dirt bag and has taken advantage of his power for many years . Well said dj
For those with information about misconduct involving Michael Vaccaro, you can reach out to Jennifer Sculco, Deputy Bureau Chief for Law Enforcement Integrity at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
Call (914) 995-3414 and ask for her or email
Is there anyone reading these story who is surprised? This guy is and, always has been, an arrogant dirtbag. Once given a gun and badge, it only provided him with the tools and justification to harass and bully people. I truly hope that justice is served in this case and he is finally held accountable for his reprehensible behavior which has gone on for years. Only in New Rochelle would someone like this guy receive commendations and be promoted. Anyone that knows the truth of his real character and behavior has been expecting something like this for years.
i’m with you if u read my comments on the other story and on this – a lot of people been waiting for this a – hole to show his true colors !
For those with information about misconduct involving Michael Vaccaro, you can reach out to Jennifer Sculco, Deputy Bureau Chief for Law Enforcement Integrity at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
Call (914) 995-3414 and ask for her or email
For those with information about misconduct involving Michael Vaccaro, you can reach out to Jennifer Sculco, Deputy Bureau Chief for Law Enforcement Integrity at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
Call (914) 995-3414 and ask for her or email