NEW ROCHELLE, NY — The City Council will hold a public hearing on an Ordinance approving the petition of PH Huguenot RMR LLC to amend “Section 331-55, C-1M General Commercial Modified District, Section 331-61, Additional Regulations for Nonresidence Districts, and amending the New Rochelle Zoning Map, forming part of Chapter 331, Zoning, of the Code of the City of New Rochelle.”

In other words, the Pizza Hut at Huguenot Street and River Street wants to be a Starbucks with a Drive-Thru.

The C-1M General Commercial Modified District currently allows drive-thrus (pink dots) such as McDonald’s, CVS and Taco Bell but not immediately adjacent to residential property as the Pizza Hut/Starbucks drive-thru (green dot) would be if built.

The Public Hearing will take place Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at City Hall at 7 p.m.

Our April 14, 2021 Facebook post on this plan was very active with comments and shares. Should make for an interesting hearing.

From what I see of the renderings, it definitely would beautify that dumpy area.
New Rochelle is in the midst of a major downtown redevelopment effort. An array of skyscrapers and construction cranes now fill the skyline and envelop the area around the future Starbucks coffee shop . Over the next few years the population of New Rochelle will soar form 80,000 to nearly 100,000 people. These 20,000 new residents will also bring their cars, thousands of them. The traffic and environmental impact of this proposed Starbucks drive-thru is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the downtown development effort. These so-called community advocates really missed the boat if they truly have concerns about environmental impacts of development in New Rochelle. I say bring on the Starbucks with the drive-thru, the area has become an eyesore and Starbucks will bring much needed improvement and jobs to the downtown.