NEW ROCHELLE, NY — New Rochelle Police Department Detective Michael Vaccaro was charged today by the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office with attempted assault in the third degree in connection with an incident that occurred in New Rochelle on February 15, 2021.
“Vaccaro, who was off-duty at the time of the incident, witnessed a domestic dispute involving a Mount Vernon man and his mother. Uniformed NRPD officers subsequently responded and while they were taking the man into custody, Vaccaro physically inserted himself into the arrest by striking the man multiple times with his fist, attempting to kick him, and pressing his face into the pavement,” said DA Miriam E. Rocah.
The NRPD determined that Vaccaro had acted inappropriately, suspended him for 30 days, and referred the case to the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office for further review.
“The WCDA evaluated the evidence — including a review of police reports, video surveillance, a cellphone video recording, and recorded calls made to NRPD — and determined that Vaccaro’s actions warrant charges of attempted assault in the third degree, given the repeated physical blows and the fact that other uniformed police officers had the suspect and the situation under control at the time,” said Rocah.
Vaccaro reported to the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office this morning for processing and was issued a desk appearance ticket to return at a later date for arraignment.
A spokesperson for the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office said, “It is important to note that other NRPD officers who were present at the scene acted appropriately and attempted to stop Vaccaro’s actions. We are committed to ensuring the integrity of law enforcement personnel and to holding everyone accountable for their actions, including police officers when warranted.”
A 16-year veteran of the New Rochelle Police Department, Vaccaro has one of the worst disciplinary records in the history of the New Rochelle Police Department. Vaccaro has been the subject of 17 Internal Affairs Investigations resulting in 9 Letters of Reprimand, the Loss of 15 Leave Days, a 10 Day Suspension, as well as an order to undergo Retraining based on a Civilian Complaint in 2020.
The incident occurred 8 months after the officer-involved shooting of Kamal Flowers, a 24-year-old black man, who was killed by NRPD officer Alec McKenna.
New Rochelle City and Police officials did not respond to a request for comment (see NRPD statement issued 6/18)

UPDATE 6/21: Based on analysis of a photo published by the New Rochelle PBA on 6/18, we assess the location of the physical altercation occurred on the Main Street side of the Gulf Express (Gulf) gas station located at 635 Main Street in New Rochelle, just over a half-mile from the Super Gas (Quality Fuel) gas station at 720 Main Street in New Rochelle.
Statement from New Rochelle PBA
The New Rochelle PBA is outraged that the Westchester County District Attorney has decided to bring “attempted assault” charges against our brother member, who we know was acting within the scope of his employment, did not use excessive force and acted within the parameters of the law. This decision is simply wrong.
Police work is often ugly and violent, but police officers, including Officer Vaccaro have a sworn duty to act and a lawful right to protect themselves. In this case, had Officer Vaccaro ignored the crime in progress the outcome for the intended victim could have been much worse and perhaps today Officer Vaccaro would be accused (and possibly arrested) of dereliction of duty.
On February 15th, 2021, Officer Vaccaro, who was “off-duty”, observed and intervened in a violent domestic dispute when he lured an out of control suspect away from his intended victim (his elderly mother) and provided her an opportunity to flee to safety. During this incident, the suspect turned his rage on Officer Vaccaro. Officer Vaccaro, now acting in an “on-duty” capacity, called for backup, identified himself to the suspect as a police officer and was repeatedly threatened with violence by the suspect. The suspect ignored police commands and when New Rochelle Police Officers went to arrest the enraged suspect, he attempted to punch Officer Vaccaro, causing him to defend himself.
The suspect, who continued to struggle with police, resist arrest and continued to ignore lawful commands, was subsequently placed in custody and arrested.
The suspect was not injured during the entire incident.
Officer Vaccaro and other officers were required to use reasonable, necessary, and justified force to bring the suspect under control.
It is our understanding that the suspect was subsequently admitted for psychiatric evaluation and has not cooperated with the District Attorney.
The New Rochelle PBA has continually indicated that we will do our part to speak out against police misconduct and we welcome sensible police reform. However, this is not such a case, and the New Rochelle PBA will spare no expense and will utilize every resource available to defend and exonerate Officer Vaccaro from this politically motivated referral, politically motivated arrest, and continued attack on law enforcement.
The Westchester County District Attorney has sent a clear and extremely risky message to all of law enforcement in Westchester County – that the DA will personally decide what is acceptable and what is not, rather than determine what is lawful and what is not. The arrest of Officer Vaccaro, along with anti-police legislation and rhetoric only serves to inspire criminals, weaken law enforcement and leaves society in danger.
We are living in a time where the District Attorney is hunting cops while leaving many true crime victims searching for justice.
Christopher Greco
New Rochelle PBA President
Statement from DA Rocah in response to New Rochelle PBA
While the New Rochelle PBA is entitled to its view of the facts, there is no place for the type of inflammatory and irresponsible language used which crosses a dangerous line. I have a long history of working with and strongly supporting law enforcement and work with them every day to keep Westchester safe. But no one is above the law, and in those rare and unfortunate cases where the facts and law warrant bringing charges against an officer, my office will do its job – just as the NRPD did its duty in suspending the officer and referring the case to us for investigation. In this case, as in every case, we will follow the facts and evidence and present our case to the court. The defendant will then have his chance to make his arguments in court to a judge and the judge will make a determination based on that evidence and testimony.
New Rochelle Police Department Commissioner’s Office Statement (Issued June 18, 2021)
The NRPD has provided the District Attorney’s Office with all of its reports and evidence related to this incident. The District Attorney’s Office has apparently decided to proceed with criminal charges. It should be remembered that Detective Vaccaro should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. This Department will be suspending any further disciplinary action in the matter pending the outcome of the criminal proceedings. Detective Vaccaro is suspended with pay.
Statement from Westchester County Legislator Candidate Anthony Giacobbe (District 10- New Rochelle, Eastchester, and Tuckahoe)
I fully support the statement by New Rochelle PBA President Christopher Greco. Once again, our law enforcement has been sent a politically motivated message. This type of anti-law enforcement rhetoric by our elected officials must end immediately. They are sending a very clear message that they support criminals over law enforcement. They are putting both our police and citizens in danger. Handcuffing our police will lead to more violence in our streets.
National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers Statement (June 19, 2021)
Much has recently been said regarding the charges brought against New Rochelle Police Detective Michael Vaccaro by the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office, with the police union indicating their sense of outrage in their belief that the charges, which are related to a February 15, 2021 off-duty incident, are politically motivated.
However, the union fails to state that the investigation conducted BY THEIR OWN POLICE DEPARTMENT found that Detective Vaccaro had acted inappropriately and, had in fact, referred the matter to the District Attorney’s Office for further review and possible criminal charges.
What all, including the PBA, must recognize and accept is the fundamental premise that there can be no faith in a system that views itself as being privileged merely because its members are often faced with difficult and dangerous tasks. There can be no confidence or trust of those whose job it is to protect and serve, if they are not held to the standards that their institutions have set before them. Nor can there be any true sense of legitimacy in a profession whose members are not held accountable for their actions.
Accountability, equal and fair treatment, and responsible policing are signature beliefs of the members and Board of Directors of the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers, Inc. And no one, not even and especially, those whose job it is to enforce the law, is above the law.
We applaud the actions of District Attorney Mimi Rocah, whom we have found to be above reproach in her attitudes towards fairness and equal justice for all. We as well commend the service of the other New Rochelle Police officers who were involved in this incident, as they appear to have acted appropriately, fairly, and professionally.
Yonkers PBA Statement Statement (June 19, 2021)
The Yonkers PBA proudly stands with our brothers & sisters in the New Rochelle PBA. The arrest of Detective Vaccaro is an unadulterated abuse of power designed purely for political pandering. D.A. Rocah has once again shown her disdain for law enforcement and preference of criminals.
Affiliated Police Associations of Westchester Statement (June 19, 2021)
On behalf of the more than 4,000 law enforcement officers in Westchester County, the APA is outraged by the ridiculous decision by District Attorney Rocah to arrest New Rochelle Det. Vaccaro. This is nothing more than a political ploy to cater to the anti-police crowd.
The APA stands shoulder to shoulder with the New Rochelle PBA!
Ramapo PBA Statement (June 19, 2021)
The members of the Ramapo PBA support the New Rochelle Police Benevolent Association and Officer Vaccaro! PO. Vaccaro was simply doing what he took an oath to do and was protecting a citizen from a potentially violent attack. Members of the Ramapo PBA have been and will continue to work with Town of Ramapo Police Department administration, Town of Ramapo and our residents to bring sensible police reform to our community. Anti-police legislation and all anti-police rhetoric must stop!
Town of Cranford PBA Statement (June 19, 2021)
Police Officers have a duty to act on and off duty. This is outrageous and shameful.
Politics don’t belong in Police work.
The men and women of the Town of Crawford PBA standby and support the men and women of the New Rochelle Police Benevolent Association.
Mount Vernon Police Association Statement (June 19, 2021)
Absolutely disgraceful. The DA Mimi Rocah should be ashamed of herself. Punishing good cops for doing their jobs will lead to good cops not getting involved or hesitating to act. That will lead to a decrease in public safety and Police Officers being at risk of being hurt. This DA is out of control!
Mount Vernon PBA President Nicholas Mastrogiorgio Statement (June 19, 2021)
Absolute disgrace this DA is destroying Police Departments. Getting charged with a crime for doing your job is completely totally sickening. She should strap on a vest and get in a car and walk a mile in our shoes before she passes judgment on good cops doing what they’re supposed to be doing.
Westchester County Police PBA Statement (June 19, 2021)
Westchester County Police PBA joins our brothers and sisters in New Rochelle. DA Rocah has sent a clear message to Police Officers in Westchester County, for your own self preservation stand down & don’t get involved.
NAACP New Rochelle Branch President Minister Mark McLean Statement (June 20, 2021)
I want to commend our County District Attorney Mimi Rocah for charging New Rochelle Detective Michael Vaccaro for allegedly assaulting a Black man while off duty.
This courageous action sends a strong and necessary message to our community that law
enforcement will be held accountable when engaging in questionable and possibly illegal
behavior.If confidence and trust are to be restored in our police departments than the community must be assured that justice for all is indeed an integral part of the criminal justice system.
Affiliated Police Associations of Westchester President Keith Olson Statement (June 22, 2021)
On behalf of the more than 4,000 law enforcement officers that comprise the Affiliated Police Associations of Westchester (APA), I condemn Westchester County District Attorney Mimi Rocah’s outrageous decision to charge New Rochelle Police Detective Michael Vaccaro with Attempted Assault 3. Sadly, Det. Vaccaro has been caught in the crossfire of an agenda-driven District Attorney and a politicized criminal justice system.
In her misleading and inflammatory CNN Op-Ed, written months ago, D.A. Rocah ominously wrote about “vigorously pursuing” the prosecution of police officers, specifically those involved in “off-duty road rage incidents.” It is clear that her mind was made up months ago and that the decision to charge Det. Vaccaro was not based on any true “evaluation of the evidence,” as the District Attorney’s Office claims.
In fact, Rocah’s office made NO attempt to interview Det. Vaccaro. This ridiculous decision contradicts the most basic tenets of conducting a true, fair and impartial investigation.
At the same time of her Op-Ed, D.A. Rocah Tweeted “Let’s go” in referencing the prosecution of police officers. Unfortunately, we have yet to see the same vigor from the D.A. when discussing the prosecution of violent gang members, sex offenders or any other actual criminals.
Det. Vaccaro’s actions in dealing with a violent and aggressive suspect were clearly justified and reasonable. This statement is supported by video evidence and eyewitness testimony. The decision to arrest this decorated, veteran police officer was disgraceful and only works to undermine a crucial relationship between police officers and the prosecutor’s office. Recklessly damaging this much-needed partnership while violent crime is skyrocketing throughout New York State, and the country, is frustratingly dangerous.
We look forward to the full vindication and exoneration of New Rochelle Police Det. Michael Vaccaro. In the meantime, police officers from every corner of our county will continue to risk their lives while protecting our communities.
Statement from Julie Davis Carran for Westchester Coalition for Police Reform
The Westchester Coalition for Police Reform supports District Attorney Rocah’s decision to charge off-duty Det. Michael Vaccaro with attempted assault in an incident that occurred on February 15. We are reassured to know that DA Rocah, who commended the on-duty officers at the scene, is pursuing this matter and is determined to hold all people, including police officers, accountable for their actions.
Statement from the New Rochelle PBA (June 22, 2021)
“Politics Over Policing” Endangering Westchester County Citizens
Westchester County District Attorney Mimi Rocah Is Handcuffing Cops and Empowering Criminals, Leaving Westchester County Less Safe.
A dangerous line has been crossed in Westchester as the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in the County has charged a New Rochelle Police Detective with Attempted Assault in the Third Degree, a charge that is effectively unheard of and rarely filed against anyone in Westchester County.
As the suspect chased down and attacked his own mother in broad daylight, Detective Michael Vaccaro came to her aid. Detective Vaccaro properly identified himself and provided “back-up” for the one uniformed officer that arrived on scene first.
The suspect refused to follow lawful commands and proceeded to threaten Detective Vaccaro with violence NINE TIMES in 12 seconds. The suspect then made good on those threats when he attempted to punch Detective Vaccaro with his closed fist, leaving the Detective with no option but to defend himself.
“Apparently, this type of criminality is perfectly acceptable to District Attorney Rocah,” states Chris Greco, president of the New Rochelle Police Benevolent Association. “After reviewing all of the same evidence, D.A. Rocha has not pursued any charges against the suspect for attacking his mother or Detective Vaccaro, but did file criminal charges against the detective for intervening to assist the mother and defend himself. Strangely, the New Rochelle Police Department IN FACT charged the suspect with Reckless Endangerment and Stalking but those charges appear to have disappeared since being filed with District Attorney Rocha. The District Attorney appears to be more concerned with her anti-police credentials than carrying out her sworn obligations to apply the law fairly and free from ideological beliefs. We cannot allow personal politics to come into play when it comes to protecting those we serve.”
In response to Rocah’s decision to file charges against Detective Vaccaro, the New Rochelle PBA released a photo showing Detective Vaccaro attempting to assist the first and lone uniformed officer on the scene with handcuffing the out-of-control suspect, utilizing an approved restraint tactic. While Detective Vaccaro had both hands on the suspect’s arm, the suspect then lunged at him with a closed fist, leaving him only a split second to respond or be assaulted. “It is these split-second decisions which police officers make every day that save people’s lives. Police work is often violent and ugly, but we are trained to use force to defend ourselves and others when faced with violence. We are not expected to retreat, but to protect”, said Greco.
Message to DA Rocah: Handcuffing cops and empowering criminals is not your job and is dangerous for our community.
Links to Past Michael Vacarro Stories + Records, Videos, Audios, etc.

News12: New Rochelle police detective saves kitten from inside car engine
Links to Past Michael Vacarro Stories + Records, Videos, Audios, etc.
That cop is a real wussy. He ran away at first and only started punching the guy after other cops held the man. Lean how to fight for heavens sake. He is a menace and should be fired. I’m white by the way.
Wow. Literally none of that happened in the video. Talk about poor journalism.
“Literally none of that”
I would respond in detail except you have provided no details.
The article is entirely accurate so simply SAYING it is not is meaningless.
Let me know if you can come up with a single example. Until then, bugger off.
Bob, you aren’t a dumb guy. You really don’t see why they would circulate the picture. Does the guy on the left really look helpless to you? It pains me to say this, but the detective should have looked the other way. Let the man beat up on his mother, and be on your way. We have a duty to intervene, but nobody would be the wiser if he just drove off. We could possibly have a dead woman, but that would be on her son’s conscience. I was attacked in a previous post, but it s was completely misinterpreted. My point was that we had a dead black man in New Rochelle and there is no organized effort to shame those in the community who take the lives of their fellows. I would implore these younger officers to move on. Unless you see a knife or a gun, go along your way. Leave it up to mom to press charges. Again Bob, be honest with yourself. It does not remain unclear. If a man had you in that position, you would have every right to defend yourself. Helpless is the perpetrator cuffed and not resisting. That is not clearly happening here. God am I glad I’m retired.
I would read the DA’s statement to which my headline refers. I broke this story. Greco put out his statement and photo after.
As Vaccaro us innocent he will go to trial and we can all see the evidence.
I think in all fairness anytime u have a racially charged article, posting some crime statistics would really help. What percent of violent crimes in New rochelle can be attributed to white people as compared to blacks and so forth. Maybe a black guy got shot by a white cop because black guys are always shooting at people and its bound to happen?Idk? Interracial crime statistics would be helpful as well because I’m pretty sure Interracial crime is about 80% black perpetrator and white victim so maybe highlight those stories as well
I wish more people would come out and tell there story’s
The narcotics unit loves to hangout with underage girls. They try and brag about there apartment in queens. I have more dirt on them, then they can provide for all the Crimes in the city of new Rochelle. Wasting our tax money so then can go hang out and have fun with woman while they are suppose to protect our city. I have all there text messages. So you guys want news 12 to get a hold of this?
News12? The same people who repeatedly portrayed Vacarro as a “hero” over a feral kitten? 🤦♂️
Go get a social media account, publish away and we can all see if there really are texts.
Post info on your social media account here and anywhere else you like.
In response your update as copied below and photo above from PBA:
“UPDATE: For reasons that remain unclear, the New Rochelle PBA is circulating the above image on social media which appears to show Vaccaro lining up a punch to the face of the victim.”
Not sure what you are not understanding about this picture? The man of the left lining up a punch is the “helpless victim”.
You can clearly see the officer’s left hand on the “helpless victim’s” left wrist and the officer’s right hand on the “helpless victim’s” left upper arm.
They actually call us, that’s how liked you are in this city.
Omg the new Rochelle police department is upset that they are getting caught! Your job title is to protect and serve the community not be the community bully. Black Lives Matter! You should all take tips from that.
By the way. I did not miss anything while my girlfriend was pregnant I was out as a free man. I was there to baptize my child. And there for her first steps.
Hey by the way this isn’t really about me it’s about cops like you and your partners that do your job incorrect and non-professional. I’m sorry that your coworker tried to save his ass after beating up an innocent black man by saving a kitten. Sorry the kitten will not save your current your partners career or his freedom by the way they do not like cops in jail neither prison. Hopefully for the next person that you guys try and screw. You will take this as a lesson and do your job the right way.
Your a dirty cop and will get yours just like your buddy will get his. You all do illegal searches every day. When your buddy goes into jail for hitting that black man in the face for no reason. He will see how it is in there. I pray you all get what you deserve. I will be filing a law suit for all my cases for the last 4 years. Hey don’t forget they had to drop the case when your co worker drew his weapon on me back in 2017. No conviction. Please stop calling people within the city and offering to pay them just to set people up. Your all dirty.
False get your facts straight
Leave it to Bob Cox to spin the whole article into a racial discrimination case. You claim you love the city you’re from, yet you post news that does nothing but divide the City of New Rochelle. Are you even born here? You are going to be the demise of this city, and eventually the country. I haven’t ever seen one article on this so called “news source” praising the New Rochelle Police for the constant work being done to BETTER the city and life of its inhabitants. As per usual, the comments are nothing short of entertaining. Clearly a bunch of law school professions and people that apparently attended the Police Academy. For all of you big mouths that are so concerned about how the NRPD performs it’s policing and handles the welfare of its citizens, why don’t you sign up for the Civilian Police Academy the department does annually… BETTER YET, the NRPD exam is coming out soon! A perfect opportunity for all of you keyboard heroes. Some of the comments in this section are borderline, if not slanderous. Remember Bob, it’s United We Stand… Divided We Fall.
I enjoyed this comment. I want to address points directed at me.
– You claim you love the city you’re from, Are you even born here?
I have never claimed I “love” New Rochelle. I was born in DC. My family moved from Virginia to New York when I was 5. I grew up in Tarrytown and Irvington. I went to Iona Prep. I went to Notre Dame. I moved back to the area living in Rye Brook, Rye, Mamaroneck then Chicago. I moved back in 1994 and lived in New Rochelle ever since.
Having lived many places and worked/traveled places I “love”? La Jolla, CA and Svolvær, Norway. New Rochelle is not in my top 25.
My wife grew up here and we moved here so she could be close to her Mom and Dad.
— spin the whole article into a racial discrimination case
It is not a racial discrimination case but the reason this incident is a big deal is that a white cop allegedly assaulted a black man in the current racially charged environment and the fatal shooting/killing of Kamal Flowers. You and others may wish that were not true bit as hook for a news story there is no question it is a big deal.
— you post news that does nothing but divide the City of New Rochelle
You are right that I publish news stories that are polarizing. If you mean to say I only publish stories that divide the City that is untrue. I suggest you visit the home page. A more accurate statement is if there is a story published about New Rochelle that is polarizing I am most likely the author.
— You are going to be the demise of this city, and eventually the country.
I have a large ego but even I do not believe my little web site is so powerful as you suggest.
— I haven’t ever seen one article on this so called “news source” praising the New Rochelle Police for the constant work being done to BETTER the city and life of its inhabitants.
I publish news stories so there is no reason to expect I would write articles that explicitly “praise” any government agency. That said, there is no one who does more than me to educate the community (and the wider world) on the many successes of NRPD as an organization and its officers. No one.
I get a daily report of police incidents. I select items off that list and inquire as to the details. If the story behind the incident strikes me of something that will interest readers I write a story. Anything NRPD sends me they want published whether it be a community event or about an incident or arrest I publish it. Most of what the general public knows about the work of the NRPD they know because of me.
No one has the amount of information I have about police disciplinary records. I have written about that and said that the vast majority of officers have no incidents or maybe one minor incident. I am on scene for more police incidents than most. Almost every officer I encounter is professional and courteous.
There are a handful of people in NRPD who are bad eggs. Michael Vaccaro is not just a bad egg he is one of the worst officers in the history of NRPD. Setting aside the current matter, read my article on his atrocious disciplinary history BEFORE this year. It is very bad. It is so bad that it is shocking he was still on the force to punch the guy he punched.
As the DA noted, Vaccaro was not criminally charged because a random person reported him but his fellow NRPD officers reported him.
It is pathetic that NRPBA President Chris Greco sees his role as defending the indefensible; all he does is with his screeds is to discredit the honorable members of the PBA while posturing as some sort of tough guy. Anyone who thinks issuing a public statement saying the DA “is hunting cops” has a screw loose.
Those are my thoughts on your thought provoking comment.
Well it’s about time that this rogue cop got charged for excessive force. He should have been arrested, charged, prosecuted, and convicted for assaulting that defenseless man. I hope the Department Of Justice also launch a criminal investigation, and also files charges for civil rights violations, arrest him, charge him, federally prosecute him, and convict him as well. A message need to be sent to rogue police officers who break the law, will be arrested, charged, prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and convicted.
You won? How? you still did time, loser.
Hey Louis, it’s Sean Kane here. Spending 17 months in prison for selling drugs hardly sounds like a win. We successfully completed a case against a local drug dealer who was the origin of CONSTANT complaints from members of this community (YOU)…and I was free that whole 17 months…so in reality, I won. Lastly, your girlfriend was pregnant with your child when you got arrested. Any “man” that misses the first year of their child’s life for selling drugs and calls it a “win” is not a man in my eyes. Can we filter these comments to adults only?! Too many kids on here without their parents permission.
He is also very Dangerous should not be a police officer. they also verbuly abuse people who have disabilities and make fun of them.
From what the photo depicts it appears that both men ( the white officer and the “helpless black man”) are in standard fighting stances. The helpless man didn’t have any problem cocking back his fist while attempting to assault the off duty officer and/ or the on duty responding officers. With that said, I’m not sure at what point the responding officers had control of the incident but it doesn’t appear that control was obtained at this point in time. Since the responding officers could not achieve. compliance the suspect was free to resist and more importantly, attempt to assault others. I understand that the photo was posted by the PBA but I do not see any indication that the man was helpless.
“It is important to note that other NRPD officers who were present at the scene acted appropriately and attempted to stop Vaccaro’s actions.”
Question, if he’s so innocent why did the other officers have to “Attempt to stop Vaccro’s actions”?
They all should be fired the things they do to people and there family’s .
He is a very bad person get him and the rest of the bad ones off the force.people are afraid to tell there story’s he is evil.
Mike Vaccaro is a dirty cop. Everyone in narcotics including Sean Kane Dwayne Jones and Michael Vick Carol are dirty. They Call strip search me and made fun of me. Sean Kane is the next one to go down. They call guys and girls within the city and try to pay them to set people up. You guys got me 4 1/2 years and guess what. I did 17 months losers. I won.
Mike has always had issues and been a racist pod. But NRPD will take em.