PORT CHESTER, NY — The Port Chester-Rye Union Free Public Schools issued the following statement on the temptation closing of John F. Kennedy Elementary School.
After assessing the damage caused by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Ida, we regret to inform the students, families, and staff of John F. Kennedy Elementary School, that we will need at least four weeks to properly sanitize and restore the building. As a result, all students at JFK School will experience remote instruction for the first four weeks of school.
The storm caused damage throughout the district, but the greatest damage was at JFK School where the boilers, ventilation system, several classrooms, and electrical wiring were destroyed due to flooding. To ensure that our schools are safe and healthy environments for all students and staff, we will need this time to properly restore and mitigate the school. While we are disappointed by this news because we were all looking forward to an in-person learning experience, safety is our priority. Please know that we are here to support you and your children.
We will be sure that all children have access to technology and the support needed to make their education as academically enriching and supportive as possible. The Principal, Ms. Judy Diaz is working diligently with teachers and staff to make this a smooth transition for all. Chromebooks will be distributed to all students on Wednesday, September 8 and students supplies and materials on Friday, September 10. A schedule will be provided in the coming days. The first day of live remote classes will be Monday, September 13, and you will be receiving detailed information next week from Principal Diaz. Lunch and breakfast will be available for pick-up between the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM during remote learning days at the JFK entrance.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this emergency.