Student Brutally Stomps and Punches Defenseless Student at New Rochelle High School

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — A video circulating on social media depicts an unprovoked assault of a student by another student at New Rochelle High School.

The incident occurred on Wednesday morning. The video was uploaded to Instagram on Wednesday afternoon without audio.

UPDATE 3/17/22 3:20 PM New Rochelle Schools Superintendent Jonathan P. Raymond issued a statement confirming the incident took place at New Rochelle High School on Wednesday.

“School district personnel responded immediately and appropriately to address the situation, and the matter is under investigation.”

Raymond said he could not provide details regarding student discipline.

The attacker has been suspended.

UPDATE 3/17/22 12:30 PM: we received a version of the video with audio. The sound quality is poor due to wind blowing into the microphone and, initially the phone is about 20 feet away from the attacker.

Apart from a couple of F-Bombs all we could make out clearly is “Now say you’re sorry bitch. Say you’re sorry.”

The police were not called to the school. There is no word on whether the victim suffered any injuries.

The attacker later claimed he stomped and punched the head of the other student based on rumors that sources say were unfounded.

There is no legal requirement that the City School District of New Rochelle must call police following such an incident but they are supposed to advise the victim or their parents that they can call police to report an incident.

New Rochelle police say that have received no complaints related to the incident depicted in the video or any prior incident rumored to be the justification given for the incident depicted in the video.

UPDATE 3/17 1 PM: We have communicated with NRPD. Despite claims otherwise, as of now, NRPD has received no complaints about the incident depicted in the video or any alleged justification for the incident depicted in the video. Should that change we will report that. We do have a report that one female student made a report of a sexual assault to NRHS and was told to go to NRPD.

EDITOR’S NOTE: I am not approving comments that assert as a fact claims that a particular person has committed certain crimes when the police have no complaints of any crimes. We are in contact with NRPD and should that change we will update our reporting.

The brutal attack comes two months after a student-on-student shooting death in the West End of New Rochelle on January 25, 2022.

Grand Jury Indicts New Rochelle West End Shooter for Murder of Teen

11 thoughts on “Student Brutally Stomps and Punches Defenseless Student at New Rochelle High School”

  1. Parents, if you’re going to raise your kids with misguided advice like ‘if he hits you, hit him back,’ can you at least teach them not to stomp on someone’s head? Assault can turn serious, even deadly, pretty fast. Of course, in my day, this would have been considered a sucker punch….

  2. The terrible onslaught of violence that has been occurring in our youths has been increasing exponentially these last two years. I don’t know what the answer is to stop the violence but I do know that denigrating other folks comments is a form of bullying and violence. They keep saying it’s the parents but it’s really society as a whole

    1. This is exactly why there is violence in schools. They aren’t held accountable for their actions. Period

  3. This looks like as gang related attack. The thug and the other thugs who blocked the camera are all wearing the same black hoodlum sweatshirts. Gangs of New Rochelle.

      1. what are you talking about? if they are security guards, what are they doing standing there watching you dummy

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