RYE BROOK, NY (April 15, 2022) — Port Chester School officials have acknowledged that the source of the blue water which appeared in Blind Brook on Tuesday is from a storm water run off line in back of Port Chester Middle School. Officials have not determined what exactly caused the water in the area to turn blue but did say the water is not contaminated.

“In partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and representatives from the Rye Brook Department of Public Works, it was determined that a section of the storm line that leads from the rear of Port Chester Middle School was the cause of the blue water,” the District said in a statement.
The District said the storm line was vacuumed and the 20″ storm line was cleaned with a high-pressure jet cleaning tool. The total length of the mouth of the brook was closely monitored with a camera to ensure the storm line was free of any obstructions or foreign materials.

Earlier that day, New York State Department of Environmental Services and a Hazmat Coordinator from the Westchester County Department of Environmental Services were called to a small lake behind the Rye Ridge Shopping Center near South Ridge Street and Bowman Avenue on Tuesday.
Port Chester FD and Rye Brook FD crews worked alongside NYSDEC and WCDEC along with Purchase Fire Department investigating the Blind Brook waterway from Rye Brook all the way up to the Westchester County Airport. Assistance was requested from the Greenwich Fire Department and City Of Rye Fire Department to contain the substance.
Blue Substance Leaking into Blind Brook in Rye Brook, Traced Back to Westchester County Airport