NEW ROCHELLE, NY (May 18, 2022) — The New Rochelle City Council unveiled their Redistricting plan based on the 2020 census.
The Council will hold a public hearing on June 14 after which the plan may be adopted or modified.
The entire presentation is here.
There are no radical alterations of current Districts. There are no changes proposed for District 1. Black Voting Strength is increased in District 3. Hispanic Voting Strength is preserved in District 1.
New Rochelle Mayor Noam Bramson issued a statement:
Redistricting always entails trade-offs: balancing population may require splitting a neighborhood, empowering minority residents may result in a less compact district shape. The examples go on and on, and there is always room for reasonable people to disagree about how these sometimes competing priorities should be weighted. But I hope most residents will conclude that this proposal overall is fair, and that it meets the relevant tests of law and principle.