ALBANY, NY (August 13, 2022) — Law enforcement agencies throughout New York State will be increasing patrols to target speeding starting Sunday.
Why it matters: If you drive over the speed limit you are more likely to get pulled over by police and all which that entails.
During last year’s Speed Awareness Week, law enforcement throughout the state issued 23,087 tickets for speeding and 32,170 tickets for other vehicle and traffic law violations, such as impaired driving and distracted driving/texting.
What is Speed Awareness Week? A high-visibility enforcement campaign supported by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee to stop speeding and prevent avoidable crashes caused by unsafe speed.
Data from Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research at the University at Albany’s Rockefeller College:
- Unsafe speed was contributing factor in 353 fatal crashes in 2021
- Unsafe speed was contributing factor in 317 fatal crashes in 2020
- The 353 fatal crashes last year resulted in 389 deaths including drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians

What you may see:
- “Speed Catches Up With You” public service announcement will be airing on broadcast and cable networks statewide, highlighting the penalty for speeding
- State Department of Transportation will have Variable Message Signs alerting motorists to the dangers of speeding.
Data shows fatal crashes in New York caused by unsafe speed increase during the summer months with the highest totals in June through October.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Speed was a contributing factor in 29 percent of all traffic fatalities nationally in 2020.
- Greater potential for loss of vehicle control
- Reduced effectiveness of occupant protection equipment
- Increased stopping distance after the driver perceives a danger
- Increased degree of crash severity leading to more severe injuries
- Increased fuel consumption/cost
What they are saying:
Governor Hochul: “There are countless risks and tragic consequences to speeding, and I want all New Yorkers to be mindful of the speed limits in your area. This enforcement campaign will be crucial not only to catch speeders but also to encourage all drivers to maintain safe speeds on our roadways, and I encourage all New Yorkers to take your time and get to your destination safely.”
DMV Commissioner Mark J.F. Schroeder: “The Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee is proud to support this enforcement campaign, once again, to not only raise awareness about the dangers of speeding but ensure the safety of all those traveling on New York’s roadways.”
New York State Sheriffs’ Association President Thomas Dougherty: “When it comes to speedingthe risk is not worth the reward. You may get to your destination a few seconds sooner, but you are far more likely to be involved in a crash when speeding. Speed-related crashes often result in injuries and worse. The Sheriffs of New York want you to enjoy your summer travels in a safe way so obey the speed limit.”
New York State Association of Chiefs of Police Executive Director Patrick Phelan: “It is more important now than ever that police agencies focus their efforts on traffic enforcement. With traffic fatalities on the rise, proper traffic enforcement measures can and will save lives.”
New York State Police Superintendent Kevin P. Bruen:“Speeding is a dangerous behavior that needlessly results in multiple deaths and serious injuries every year. We urge all drivers to do their part to improve safety by obeying posted speed limits, being attentive, and putting away electronic devices while behind the wheel. Through education and enforcement, the New York State Police will continue to keep irresponsible drivers off the road.”
Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
Combined with education and enforcement campaigns, GTSC coordinates various traffic safety activities throughout the year, and supports ongoing initiatives to improve pedestrian, motorcycle and bicycle safety. The GTSC also sponsors critical training for law enforcement, provides resources for teen drivers and their parents, and promotes seatbelt use statewide.
For more information about traffic safety in New York State, please visit the GTSC website at