Westchester Landlords Must Now Disclose Flood History

Written By: Robert Cox

WHITE PLAINS, NY (August 15, 2022) — All prospective tenants must be provided a Flood History Form by property owners.

Why it matters: Renters often do not have insurance for their personal belongings, which are not covered by a landlord’s property insurance.

Flood prone areas:

  • All properties are subject to flooding
  • Special Flood Hazard Areas are referred to as the 100-year floodplain
  • About 40% of all flood insurance claims come from areas outside those Special Flood Hazard Areas

Added difficulties for renters:

  • relocating in the event of property damage
  • health issues that require electric-powered medical equipment
  • mobility issues making it difficult to relocate during an emergency

What they are saying:

County Executive George Latimer:“This is a simple form which can save tenants a complex headache. As the cliché goes, knowledge is power. Providing greater information to prospective tenants can help them protect their property, and lives, when the forecast calls for a major storm.”

Planning Commissioner Norma Drummond: “Our Department is here to serve the people of Westchester, and this new law gives us another tool to do so. Flooding can have a major impact on the life and well-being of a tenant, and equipping them with the understanding of what could happen can help residents better plan for emergencies.”

Go deeper:

County Department of Planning

  • Flood History Form
  • Local Law (Chapter 581) 
  • FEMA brochures

For questions, call (914) 995-4400.