WESTCHESTER CO., NY— The FBI Westchester County Safe Streets Task Force, Greenburgh Police Department, and the Westchester County Police Department are seeking possible victims in a human trafficking investigation and believes hundreds of women may have been victimized.
- Ysenni Gomez was detained by members of the FBI Westchester County Safe Streets Task Force outside a hotel in Tarrytown, NY on August 12, 2022
- Gomez had on her person a Pennsylvania driver’s license
- Gomez was interviewed at the Greenburgh Police Department headquarters and subsequently arrested
- On the same day, Gomez was brought before United States Magistrate Judge Paul E. Davison in the United States District Court in White Plains
- Gomez was charged with sex trafficking in Westchester County, and the Bronx
- Davison denied Gomez a bail package and ordered that she be detained during the pendency of her criminal case
- On August 15, the federal defender assigned to the case requested a District Judge be assigned to hear an appeal of Davison’s decision
- There is at least one unidentified co-conspirator
Anyone with information about Gomez, or anyone who may have been a victim, is asked to call the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI.

What they are saying:
Assemblywoman Amy Paulin: “Pimps will always try to find a way to skirt the law, and we must keep updating the laws to reflect the reality on the ground. In 2015, I passed the landmark Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act which increased criminal penalties for sex trafficking, made aggravated patronizing a minor for prostitution a crime, and improved access to services for victims.
“Because New York is a leading entry, transit and destination point for trafficking victims I’ve authored laws to require hotel employees to receive training to identify and report sex trafficking, and to require the posting of signage with sex trafficking help line information at major transportation hubs.
“We can’t be in denial that sex trafficking continues to persist in our area, as the Gomez case in Westchester clearly shows us. We have to remain vigilant and continue to fight the horrendous sex trafficking industry.”
USA v. Gomez (7:22-mj-06663-UA)
Date filed: 08/12/2022
Date of last filing: 08/15/2022
Complaint + Initial Appearance + Bail Hearing Letter

The Alleged Sex-Trafficking Scheme:
Gomez posted an online ad searching for waitresses to work at a restaurant in Manhattan. Gomez interviewed a woman who responded to the ad and said she had the job. On the victim’s first day, Gomez told her there was no waitress position and forced her into having sex with men by threatening to call federal authorities to have her deported. During the investigation, agents discovered more than 1,600 ads associated with Gomez promoting prostitution, dating back 10 years, using Facebook, Bedpage.com, and MegaPersonals.com.
Gomez is known to go by aliases Carolina and Ysenni Peguero, and could possibly have used the business name “Chicas Express” in the ads she placed.

FBI Affidavit Narrative:
On or about August 12, 2022, members of the Safe Streets Task Force interviewed a victim of sex trafficking at the Greenburgh Police Department. The Victim is a Spanish-speaking Venezuelan national who has resided in the United States for approximately eight months. TheVictim is in the process of seeking legal asylum but does not currently have a permanent legal status with the United States government.
On or about June 2022, the Victim saw an advertisement on Facebook seeking potential female employees to waitress at a restaurant located on Broadway in Manhattan.
On or about the middle of June 2022 the Victim responded to the advertisement and interviewed at the Restaurant Location with Ysenni Gomez, the defendant and understood that she had secured a position as a waitress. Approximately one week after the interview, the Victim returned to the Restaurant Location wearing all-black attire as instructed by Gomez to begin work as a waitress.Once at the restaurant Gomez approached the Victim and told her that she would be working at a different restaurant.
Gomez then instructed the Victim to get into a vehicle. The Victim complied. Gomez entered the vehicle through the front-driver’s side door. One inside the vehicle Gomez informed the Victim that she would not be working at a restaurant. Instead Gomez informed the Victim that she would be required to have sex with different individuals for money. The Victim initially refused. Gomez then stated that if the Victim did not comply that Gomez would tell “immigration” that the Victim was not residing in the country legally. Gomez further stated in sum and substance, that the Victim did not have a voice and that she would be deported. The Victim again refused.
Gomez then called a female on the telephone and spoke to her in English. Gomez then passed the telephone to the Victim . Individual-1 then began to make additional threats to the Victim stating in sum and substance that Individual-1 would get the Victim deported if did not comply. Gomez also stated that she would call the police if the Victim refused. The Victim refused again and told Individual-1 in sum and substance, that the Victim had done nothing wrong and to call the police. When the Victim refused again Gomez drove the Victim to Grand Central Station and allowed her to leave the car. In or about July 2022, Gomez and Individual-1 contacted the Victim again by telephone or some other type of remote communication. During Call-1 Gomez again made further threats to the Victim, stating in sum and substance that the Victim had an order of deportation. The Victim responded to Gomez that Gomez’s statements were untrue and that the Victim had an appointment regarding her asylum matter on August 9, 2022. Either Gomez or Individual-1 would call the Immigration Judge to have the Victim deported if she did not comply with Gomez’s demand to engage in commercial sex acts.
The Victim again refused to comply. Approximately a few days too a week later Gomez and Individual-1 called the Victim again and stated that they are going to do what they can to get her deported and that the Victim must meet with them at Grand Central Station that day.
Later the same day the Victim met with Gomez at Grand Central Station. Gomez provides the Victim an ultimatum – either the victim would engage in commercial sex acts or she would be deported. At this meeting the Victim succumbed to the repeated threats.
The Victim performed her first commercial sex act on the same evening that she relented to Gomez’ threats in Grand Central Station. The Victim stated that she was afraid and was coerced into performing commercial sex acts for approximately three weeks. Generally, the Victim was made to work approximately three nights per week and visit with approximately three clients per night. The Victim was usually required to perform both oral and vaginal sex acts during these interactions.
The Victim stated that she was made to work with two types of clients: regular clients and VIP clients. Regular clients paid approximately $200 for each encounter which were arranged by Gomez. VIP clients paid approximately $500 to $700 per encounter and the Victim was required to communicate with them directly prior to the encounter. Both types of clients either would pay Gomez directly or would pay the Victim. In instances where the client paid the Victim the Victim was required to pay the entire amount to Gomez,who would provide her with a portion of the proceeds. The Victim would receive half of the price for regular clients and $200 for VIP clients.
Attempted Commercial Sex Act on August 11 to August 12, 2022
On or about August 11, 2022, members of the Safe Streets Task Force located an advertisement under the escort section of Bedpage.com tagged with the location “Westchester County”. Bedpage.com is a website where individuals can post personals and/or classified ads on the internet. The Online Advertisement, which appears to have been posted on August 11,/ 2022,. at approximately 4:40 p.m. advertised “yonkers kitty cat available to tease outcall-23” and included an image of a nearly naked woman on all-fours who is facing away from the camera. Based on my training and experience I understand that this is an advertisement to solicit commercial sex acts and that “outcall” references a sex act where the individual to provide the sex act for pay will travel to the client. The Online Advertisement included a telephone number ending in -5806.
At approximately 11:30 p.m. an undercover officer with the Safe Streets Task Force contacted the telephone number listed on the Online Advertisement via text message. The UC sent a message that stated “You available for outcall?” The UC received a text message response from the same telephone number stating/ in sum and substance “yes” and location?” The UC and the individual responding on the telephone number arranged to meet at a hotel located in Tarrytown, New York.
Between approximately 11:30 p.m. on August 11, 2022, and approximately 12:45 p.m. on August 12, 2022, the 5806 Number instructed the UC in English to position himself outside of the lobby of the Tarrytown Hotel. At approximately 12: 45 p.m. law enforcement observed a black Infiniti SUV drive up to the front door of the Tarrytown Hotel.
Officers observed a woman later identified as the Victim exit the Black Infiniti. I understand that the Victim later told law enforcement that Ysenni Gomez/ a/k/a “Ysenni Peguero,” a/k/a “Carolina” the defendant who was driving the vehicle that the Victim was in pointed out the UC to the Victim and instructed her that he was her next customer.
The Victim approached the UC, after which the Victim and the UC walked together to a predetermined hotel room. Once the two entered the hotel room the Victim pulled condoms out of a purse that she was carrying and removed her shoes.The Victim also began to undress. The Victim and the UC then communicated the types of sex acts to be performed via Google Translate and the Victim nodded. The UC then signaled to other law enforcement to enter the room.
After the Victim entered the Tarrytown Hotel with the UC, law enforcement maintained visual surveillance on the Black Infiniti. Following a conversation with the Victim by law enforcement, as described below, Gomez was detained and brought to the Greenburgh Police Station where she was subsequently arrested.
While Gomez was detained, law enforcement captured a photo of Gomez’s Pennsylvania driver’s license. Law enforcement subsequently showed an image of Gomez’s driver’s license to the Victim,who confirmed in sum and substance that Gomez was the person who drove the Victim to the Tarrytown Hotel and was the person who had coerced her into performing sex acts. The Victim was subsequently taken to Greenburgh Police Station to be interviewed.
After Gomez arrest, law enforcement recovered two iPhones from inside of the Black Infiniti. Law enforcement subsequently called the 5806 Number. One of the two recovered iPhones began to ring, indicating that it was associated with the 5806 Number.
According to information retrieved from a law enforcement database, the 5806 number is associated with over 1,600 online advertisements soliciting sex between in or about December 2012 until August 11, 2022.