New Rochelle Elementary School Student Alerts Principal to Handgun, Police Respond

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY (November 2, 2022) — A sharp-eyed student at Daniel Webster Elementary School alerted staff who alerted the school principal to a gun on school property. Principal Melissa Passarelli called the New Rochelle Police Department. Officers responded immediately.

Police narrative: On November 1st, 2022 at about 12:38pm, New Rochelle Police were alerted by Daniel Webster Elementary School Staff that there appeared to be a firearm that can be seen through a schoolyard fence, partially buried in a dirt area near a tree. New Rochelle Police Officers and Detectives responded to investigate. Police located an unloaded silver 9mm semiautomatic handgun, with a fully loaded magazine next to it, partially buried in dirt and leaves. The area where it was found was not readily accessible by students or passersby, as it was about 6 feet above the sidewalk behind a retaining wall. Although it could be seen from the schoolyard, it was not accessible to students due to the high fence.

New Rochelle Detectives are requesting that anyone with any information regarding this incident to call New Rochelle Police Headquarters at 914-654-2300.

Statement to Webster School Community from Principal Melissa A. Passarelli

November 1, 2022

Dear Webster Community,

Today at approximately 12:45 pm, it was reported to me that there was a firearm on a piece of property that abuts Webster’s Calhoun Playground. The fourth grade students who were on the playground for recess when the report was made were immediately lined up and brought inside, while the NRPD was contacted to investigate. The location of the firearm was not accessible to students, as it was located on the other side of our playground fence. The NRPD removed the firearm, and at no point were any of our students or staff in danger.

At present, this is being investigated by the NRPD. Please know that our clinical staff, Mr. Middleton and I are available to support fourth grade students, as needed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Very truly yours,

Melissa A. Passarelli