New Rochelle Man Charged with Multiple Felony Charges for Production and Distribution of Child Pornography

Written By: Robert Cox

EDITOR’S NOTE: Just under a day after this article was published — and after having sent several notification emails immediately after publication seeking comment — we have received an unprecedented request (for us) from law enforcement officials asking that we edit this article by removing details of the alleged crimes contained in the felony complaint. While we are under no obligation to do so, we have chosen to replace certain details with a more generalized description. We do not take such a decision lightly and certainly do not proceed for the benefit of government officials. We do so in the interest of the victim. We do not want to hinder a prosecution in this case nor discourage other victims — and we believe there are more — from coming forward. As a result, this article has been edited to remove details of the crimes charged.

NEW ROCHELLE, NY (February 2, 2023) — The Westchester County District Attorney’s Office has filed child pornography charges against a 21-year-old New Rochelle man.

Appearing before New Rochelle Judge Jared R. Rice, Jason Ricketts, 21, of New Rochelle, NY, was arraigned on multiple felony charges.

EDITOR’s NOTE: Ricketts date of birth is February 3, 2001 so technically he was 21 years and 364 days on Thursday at 4:30 pm and turned 22 at midnight.

There is a Jason Ricketts of New Rochelle listed as a graduate of New Rochelle High School in 2021, and having attended Isaac E. Young Middle School before that. Sources have confirmed this is the person arraigned today. Given the timeline, many of the crimes appear to have occurred while he was a student at New Rochelle High School.

The Westchester County District Attorney’s Office’s Cyber Crimes Bureau, Child Abuse Bureau, High Technology Crimes Squad and Criminal Investigators with the Special Prosecutions Division conducted the investigation after receiving a referral from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. The New Rochelle Police Department assisted with the investigation.

Law enforcement has seized multiple devices, which are being analyzed to identify other possible victims or witnesses.

Ricketts was charged with four felonies for offenses occurring on or about and between February 3, 2019 and January 18, 2023 at various locations within the City of New Rochelle.

Felony Charges (from the felony complaint):

COUNT ONE: The Offense of Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child in the First Degree

The Defendant at the above date, time and place being eighteen years old or more, did over a period of time not less than three months in duration engage in two or more acts of sexual conduct, which included at least one act of sexual intercourse, oral sexual conduct, anal sexual conduct or aggravated sexual contact, with a child less than thirteen years old.

On or about and between February 3, 2019, and March 27, 2020, defendant, while at various locations within the City of New Rochelle, and being eighteen years old did engage in two or more acts of sexual conduct with a child less than thirteen years old.

COUNT TWO: The Offense of Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance

The Defendant employed, authorized or induced a child less than seventeen years of age to engage in a sexual performance or being a parent, legal guardian or custodian of such child, he consents to the participation by such child in a sexual performance.

On or about January 2, 2020, while at a location within the City of New Rochelle while knowing the character and content thereof, defendant employed, authorized or induced a child less than seventeen years of age to engage in a sexual performance.

COUNT THREE: The Offense of Promoting an Obscene Sexual Performance by a Child

The defendant, knowing the character and content thereof, he produced, directed, and promoted any obscene performance which includes sexual conduct by a child less than seventeen years of age.

On or about August 15, 2022, the defendant “promoted” a video file (downloaded the file to Dropbox) which contained an obscene performance including sexual conduct by a child less than seventeen years of age.

The defendant promoted this image when he downloaded it from a Dropbox account.

COUNT FOUR: The Offense of Possessing an Obscene Sexual Performance by s Child

Defendant had in his possession and control, or knowingly accessed with intent to view, an obscene performance which includes sexual conduct by a child less than sixteen years of age.

On or about January 18, 2023, at approximately 6:00 AM, the defendant possessed an obscene performance which includes sexual conduct by a child less than sixteen years of age.

Rice issued Orders of Protection for three people — two adults and one minor.

Judge Rice set bail at $250,000 cash, $500,000 bond and $1,000,000 partially secured bond.

Ricketts was remanded to Westchester County Jail. He has a return date of February 23, 2023.

The case is being prosecuted by Deputy Bureau Chiefs Laura Forbes and Janelle Armentano, and Senior Assistant District Attorney Cooper Gorrie.

The Child Abuse Bureau is located in the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office. The phone number is (914) 995-3000.

UPDATE 2/3/23 1:30 PM We asked the City School District of New Rochelle for a statement. “Any inquiries should go to the DA’s office”.

UPDATE 2/6/23 3:00 PM: We have repeatedly requested a booking photo (aka, “mug shot”) of Jason Ricketts from the DA but that request has been denied. The DA has said they are “prohibited from releasing it unless certain exceptions and those exceptions don’t apply at this time”. The law was changed in 2019. The law is not as clear on this point as the DA might want to claim.

Mugshot ‘ban’ causes confusion for police, media

…the law allows mugshots to be issued if “the release of such photographs will serve a specific law enforcement purpose,” but offers no guidance on what “specific law enforcement purpose” means… Releasing mugshots can serve a law enforcement purpose, particularly when police are searching for a convict on the lam or more victims of a suspect.

We obtained photos from 2014 published on Jason Ricketts’ Facebook profile. We continue to seek more current photos of Jason Ricketts; we can be reached at

UPDATE 2/7/23: As Westchester DA Asks Victims of New Rochelle Man to Come Forward, Our Readers Verify Current Photos of Jason Ricketts

UPDATE 2:6/22 3:20 PM Westchester County District Attorney Press Statement on Sex Offenses by New Rochelle Man

WHITE PLAINS, NY (February 6, 2023) — Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah is urging any possible victims of a New Rochelle man charged with multiple felony sex offenses involving children to contact the DA’s Office or police. Law enforcement has seized multiple devices, which are being analyzed to identify other possible victims or witnesses.

What they are saying:

Westchester County District Attorney’s Miriam E. Rocah: “Sexual exploitation of minors is a crime that preys upon their vulnerabilities. We ask anyone who may have been victimized or may have information about other victims to contact us. We recognize the great difficulty for survivors to come forward, but stand ready to provide support for victims as our investigation continues.”

The defendant, Jason Ricketts, 22, was arrested by the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office and arraigned in New Rochelle City Court on February 2, 2023. He was charged with Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child in the First Degree, Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance, Promoting an Obscene Sexual Performance by a Child, and Possessing an Obscene Sexual Performance by a Child, all felonies. The defendant is currently being held on bail, which was set at $250,000 cash, $500,000 bond and $1 million partially-secured bond. 

The Westchester County District Attorney’s Office’s Cyber Crimes Bureau, Child Abuse Bureau, High Technology Crimes Squad and Criminal Investigators with the Special Prosecutions Division conducted the investigation after receiving a referral from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). The New Rochelle Police Department assisted with the investigation.

Anyone who may have been victimized or may have information about other possible victims of the defendant can contact the DA’s Office Special Prosecutions Division at (914) 995-3000. Language assistance is available.

The case is being prosecuted by Deputy Bureau Chiefs Laura Forbes and Janelle Armentano, and Senior Assistant District Attorney Cooper Gorrie.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Robert Cox is the last remaining court reporter working in Westchester County. He attends court regularly to monitor progress on dozens of cases; that reporting is included in his weekly Court Reporters Notebook and is often the basis for stories on Talk of the Sound (like this one). To subscribe to his newsletter visit Words in Edgewise on Substack.