New Rochelle Man Arrested for Impersonating a Federal Agent and Weapons Possession

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 2, 2023) — A New Rochelle man was arrested on June 1 for impersonating a Federal Agent and possession of a loaded, stolen firearm.

Detectives had been investigating a person who was alleged to have been in possession of a handgun and who had made comments that he was a Federal Law Enforcement Officer.

At about 1:15 pm, New Rochelle Detectives observed the suspect driving and conducted a traffic stop. During the stop, the suspect identified himself as a Federal Agent. Further investigation revealed that the suspect was in possession of a stolen, loaded handgun and what purported to be a Federal Law Enforcement badge.

Diplomatic Security Service Special Agents (actual DSS badge pictured above) are sworn federal law enforcement officers working in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security Services.

Replica DSS badges can be purchased online.

An image of evidence provided by New Rochelle Police depicts a handgun, ammunition, ammunition clip, and 2 badges.

The handgun is a 380 HiPoint handgun stolen out of Georgia.

One of the two badge reads “U.S. / Special Agent” appears to be a replica Diplomatic Security Services badge.

The other badge reads “Healing Hearts Chaplaincy”. Perez was a HHC chaplain. The organization, which provides a badge for identification purposes in hospitals and prisons, revoked Perez’ chaplaincy upon learning of his arrest (details below).

Arrest & Charges:

Manrique Perez, 48, of New Rochelle, NY.

Initially reported charges

  • Criminal Impersonation —1st (police/federal officer), an E Felony
  • Criminal Possession of a Weapon — 2nd (Loaded Firearm), a C Felony
  • Criminal Possession of Stolen Property — 4th (firearms), an E Felony

Charges filed by the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office at the time of arraignment

  • Possession of a Forged Instrument — 2nd, a D Felony
  • Acting in a Manner Injurious to a Child under 17 years of age, an A Misdemeanor
  • Motor Vehicle License Violation (no license)
  • Equipment Violation (windshield tint violation)

Perez was arraigned before Judge Matthew J. Costs on June 2, 2023. He was represented by a Legal Aid attorney. He pleaded not guilty.

NOTE: Bail was set but we are still waiting for details and remand status.

Perez is due back in New Rochelle City Court on June 16, 2023

The investigation by NRPD Detectives was initiated after a civilian told police that he suspected Perez, who displayed what appeared to be a federal badge, did not appear to be a federal agent as he claimed. The civilian provided a photo to Talk of the Sound. If members of the public have information about this matter, they can call the NRPD General Investigations Unit at 914-654-2300.

UPDATE 6/4/23: Healing Hearts Chaplaincy Statement regarding Manny Perez

Healing Hearts Chaplaincy is a legitimate not-for-profit organization that train chaplains to serve God’s work in community, hospitals and jails. Badges are provided for identification purposes for hospitals and prisons.

We are in shock of the charges against Manrique Perez known to us as Manny Perez. At this time his title as a Chaplain has been revoked. We had no and have no reason to believe that he was involved in any criminal activities. Our organization apologies to the public for any fraudulent representations that Mr. Perez could have associated with our organization with out knowledge or authorization.