This is the press release sent out by the City of New Rochelle
NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK (April 11, 2024) – New Rochelle Mayor Yadira Ramos-Herbert delivered her first State of the City Address this evening to a crowd at the Remington Boys & Girls Club.
Mayor Ramos-Herbert is the 24th mayor of the City of New Rochelle, serving the people of the City as the first woman and person of color mayor since her inauguration in 2024. From 2020-2023 she served as a member of the New Rochelle City Council, representing District 3.
Focusing first on the City’s strong economic landscape, Ramos-Herbert pointed to the City’s development pipeline as generating millions in revenue over the next 20 years, noting that as a result of the City’s development program, undeveloped lots, “will now generate $260 million dollars in revenue over the same period of time allowing us make much-needed investments in our City.” Pointing to the innovative form-based zoning that allowed for such increased growth, the City is “able to optimize the downtown revitalization while also actively increasing revenue in a manner that does not require an increase in property taxes.”
Ramos-Herbert noted that the City, to date, has authorized the development of 10,000 residential units and 400 residential condominiums, with 65% of units already online and a leasing rate of 84%. Of these units, approximately 1,288 units are designated affordable.
As housing needs increase across the state, said Ramos-Herbert, “we’re building for the people of New Rochelle…with our designation last month as a Pro-Housing Choice Community, the City of New Rochelle is now eligible to apply for programs that are part of $650 million in State funding that is available, supporting the City’s commitment to responding to the housing shortage New Yorkers are facing.”
Due to its strong economic landscape, Ramos-Herbert went on to address the City’s response to climate change and environmental concerns, including flood mitigation efforts and green infrastructure projects, “the City identified more than 100 projects totaling $350 million aimed at addressing and alleviating the widespread flooding that has adversely affected our community.”
Looking beyond the city center, Ramos-Herbert brought attention to the City’s largest investment: its people. Through a multifaceted and collaborative effort with, “entities such as the School District, Boys and Girls Club, Iona University, Monroe College, and the Community Justice Center, over $6.7 million has been dedicated to nurturing our future leaders.”
Support for small businesses has also skyrocketed in recent years as the City generated multiple events and activations for existing and emerging business owners to showcase and grow their companies like the New Rochelle Street Fair, Holiday Market and Taste of Union. Ramos-Herbert celebrated the multitude of City-sponsored grants “to restore and renovate commercial storefronts as renovated facades stabilize property values and leverage new investment in businesses and the neighborhood.”
In celebration of ongoing downtown revitalization efforts, Ramos-Herbert noted that the City has received $41.7 million in grants to support the development of the LINC – a plan to right-size Memorial Highway and transform it from a six-lane road into a local street and linear park, reconnecting the historically neglected and fragmented Lincoln Avenue neighborhood to the City’s economic center. “The LINC will create safe, attractive pedestrian crossings, bike lanes, and new recreation and park space to help surrounding residents and business owners benefit from the downtown revitalization and economic growth…”
In line with ongoing infrastructure improvements, the City’s future also includes a robust, once in a lifetime renovation of the New Rochelle train station to improve connections to the downtown, pedestrian safety and create access to local businesses, “In just a few short years, New Rochelle will be the first Metro North stop in Westchester County to provide direct access to Penn Station.”

Ramos-Herbert praised the contributions of various municipal departments and their dedication to serving the community, and emphasized the importance of collaboration and teamwork in achieving the City’s goals, including the work of New Rochelle’s First Responders, Office of Parks and Recreation and Department of Buildings.
“Let us embrace the promise of progress, the pursuit of excellence, and the power of collaboration,” concluded Ramos-Herbert. “Together, we will start New Rochelle’s next chapter charting a course towards a future where prosperity is not just a vision, but a reality for every citizen.”
The full speech is viewable here and photos are available here. Text of speech (as written not delivered) here.