NEW ROCHELLE, NY (May 9, 2024) — Former New Rochelle City Manager Charles B. Strome is taking exception to recent remarks attributed to New Rochelle Board of Education President William Ianuzzi at a Board of Education meeting on May 7, 2024.
SEE: New Rochelle Board of Education President’s Lies About IDA Board Seat
“Ianuzzi stated that he met with me and former Superintendent Jonathan Raymond on multiple occasions to discuss Board of Education representation on the City of New Rochelle’s Industrial Development Agency,” said Strome.
“While I was City Manager, I did meet on a regular basis with many Superintendents, including Jonathan Raymond. I never met with Mr. Ianuzzi to discuss this matter.”
Strome was New Rochelle City Manager from 2002 to 2022.
Ianuzzi did not respond to emails seeking comment but we will update this article if he provides a statement.
Ianuzzi has issued a statement along with a screenshot of an email exchange with Strome.
As a matter of protocol, it was well known that Strome would only meet with his peer at the school district — the Superintendent. Meetings with elected school officials and the City government were held with their peer on the City Council, the Mayor.
In a letter to Schools Superintendent Dr. Corey W. Reynolds and all members of the New Rochelle Board of Education, Strome flatly denied ever meeting with Ianuzzi to discuss the IDA. Strome is now calling on school officials to correct the record at their next meeting.
“There was a Board of Education member serving on the IDA during Jonathan Raymond’s entire tenure as Superintendent, so I cannot see why the matter would have been discussed in our meetings.”
“I understand that it was stated that when I was asked about this by Mr. Ianuzzi, my reply was ‘no’, there are no seats.”
Strome pointed that while City Manager he always advocated for School District representation on the IDA and this was the case for about 98% of the time while he was City Manager “but ultimately, the makeup of the IDA board is determined by the Mayor and City Council as they are the appointing authority,” he added.
“I would also point out that during my time serving on the IDA (2002-2022), there was always a representative from the Board of Education serving on the IDA, except for my last six months of service. In fact, Amy Moshelli served on the IDA during her term on the Board of Education and she continued serve on the IDA with the consent of the School District as her IDA term outlasted her term on the Board of Education.”
UPDATE: William Ianuzzi has provided the following statement.
My comments at the meeting had no malicious intent towards Chuck as I have great respect for him. We were in the middle of our public hearing on the budget and the question was asked, “why is there not a sitting board of education member on the IDA board?”
My answer was based on the email exchange (attached) Chuck and I had in August 2022 and updates that I received from Superintendent Raymond at that time.
I apologized to Chuck if it came across as accusatory, as that was not my intent.

“It is unfortunate that Mr. Ianuzzi would make such a false statement in a public meeting,” said Strome. “I trust this communication will set the record straight, and I would hope that it be read at the next public meeting of the New Rochelle Board of Education and be made part of the permanent record of the Board.”