New Rochelle Public Library Board Of Trustees Inducts Two New Members And Elects New President

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY (July 23, 2024) — The New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees inducted Vera Salter and Nancy Weinberger at the most recent board meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2024. Salter and Weinberger were elected to the board in May, filling the spots vacated by Beth Acocella and Whitney Barrat whose terms ended on June 30. Salter and Weinberger will each serve a five year term which began on July 1, 2024 and runs through June 30, 2029.

Vera Salter

Vera Salter has been a resident of New Rochelle for 24 years. Born in London, England, Vera grew up in a family of refugees from Nazi Europe. She moved to the United States in 1970, earned a Ph.D. in sociology, and worked as a healthcare administrator and advocate. For the past eleven years, she has volunteered as a tax preparer in the Library’s popular TaxAide program. Vera is also a published poet.

“I was inspired to serve as a Library Trustee because I am driven by the imperative to protect access to quality information and knowledge for all,” said Salter. “I value the Library as a crucial community hub that offers a vast array of wonderful programs and services to our diverse community.”

Nancy Weinberger

Nancy Weinberger is a 21-year resident of New Rochelle and raised her four children in the community. She is involved in a number of civic organizations, advisory boards, and charity work, most with a focus on children and education. In the private sector, Nancy is a Strategy and E-Commerce Consultant for consumer packaged goods. She holds an MBA from The University of Chicago.

“As a Trustee, I am looking forward to contributing to the growth of the New Rochelle Public Library and serving as an advocate for the important role the library plays in our community,” said Weinberger. “I am especially interested in programming that brings different constituencies of New Rochelle together in dialogue and friendship.”

At the same meeting, Lucille Renwick was elected President of the Board for 2024-2025, with Corey Galloway, Vice-President and Rhiannon Navin, Secretary. Other members of the Library Board of Trustees include Fela Cortés and Tatiana Infante.

Lucille Renwick

Lucille Renwick is a communications strategist with more than three decades of experience helping individuals and organizations tell their stories to advance their goals and missions. She currently serves as Chief Communications Officer for Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, a social justice/human rights foundation. Prior to joining Wellspring, Lucille served as a Vice President at Fenton, a social justice communications agency, and had led communications and marketing for the CUNY School of Law. Lucille holds a BA from Wesleyan University and an MPA from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. She has been a New Rochelle resident for nearly 25 years, where she lives with her husband and three children.

“I am honored to be entrusted in the role of President of the NRPL Board of Trustees, as we look forward to welcoming a new Director and to leading the library through the last years of our current five-year strategic plan,” said Renwick. “I am thrilled to welcome Vera Salter and Nancy Weinberger to the Board. I look forward to working with them and the other Trustees, as well as the staff , to maintain our library as a place where people of all ages come to learn and explore.”