New Rochelle PBA Announces Legal Defense Fund for Lieutenant Accused of Evidence Tampering

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY (August 6, 2024) — The Police Association of New Rochelle has issued a statement seeking donations to support LT. Sean Kane.

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate action of its members.” A member indeed is who Sean Kane exemplifies and represents. A highly decorated Lieutenant with 18 years of noble and dedicated police work. A personnel file that not only displays a long list of accolades, but demonstrates his insurmountable impact within New Rochelle. This is evidenced by the relationships he has built within the community, especially during challenging times.

His conduct has modeled that of a leader and his consistency and work ethic are set forth every time he puts on the badge. LT. Kane as organized a unit that other agencies can readily rely on for assistance without hesitation.

From the onset of his career, LT. Kane has upheld a heroic image and stance to prioritize the safety of the city.

To know this man is to know a selfless person, a perseverant investigator, a righteous leader and a true companion. In his time of need, we ask for your support and assistance by donating to this cause. LT. Kane has proven his loyalty to law enforcement and it’s now his village’s turn to reciprocate our support and gratitude for his tireless and unwavering commitment.

In order to assist with the uncovered cost of a potential legal defense, you may contribute by scanning the below QR code to donate electronically or please see Det. Sgt. Jones, or Det. Velasco. Thank you!