With the ongoing corruption that has been going on between developers and Elected City Officials since 1992, New Rochelle “Sucks Ass” according to many New Rochelle residents that freely answered questions regarding the conditions that the City is currently under.
There were short simple questions:
What do you think of the New Rochelle Public School System?
1. Great 2. So-So 3. Sucks Ass 4. No Comment
What do you think about the City of New Rochelle?
1. Great 2. So-So 3. Sucks Ass 4. No Comment
What do you think about Mayor Bramson?
1. Great 2. So-So 3. Sucks Ass 4. No Comment
What do you think about All Elected City Officials?
1. Great 2. So-So 3. Sucks Ass 4. No Comment
Do you think New Rochelle City Officials are corrupt?
1. Yes 2. No 3. No Comment
Do you think Mayor Bramson is corrupt?
1. Yes 2. No 3. No Comment
Do you think New Rochelle needs an enema to rid itself of all its corrupt politicians?
1. Yes 2. No 3. No Comment
Do you think New Rochelle politicians have been “PAID” by developers?
1. Yes 2. No 3. No Comment
Do you think County Clerk Idoni ruined New Rochelle when he was mayor?
1. Yes 2. No 3. No Comment
If given the opportunity to live anywhere else in Lower Westchester, would you?
1. Yes 2. No 3. No Comment
After gathering the information, it was clear that the majority of New Rochelle residents believe the New Rochelle Sucks Ass, that All City Officials are corrupt, that Mayor Bramson is corrupt, that New Rochelle Politicians have been “PAID” by developers to get projects passed, that County Clerk Idoni ruined New Rochelle, and that an overwhelming amount of New Rochelle residents WOULD move out of New Rochelle is they were able too.
After seeing the results and hearing what many people had to say, I agree that New Rochelle Sucks Ass and that New Rochelle has been on a down slide ever since Idoni took office as mayor in 1992 and that Bramson is just doing “Business as Usual”.
Now I know why New Rochelle
Now I know why New Rochelle is so messed up. With comments like these, what do you expect. And look, both comments came from Anonymous responders. People like these two most likely elected our crooked politicians, must be friends of these crooked politicians or better yet are them responding anonymously (more likly).
Move the F*ck Out!!! – New Rochelle School System Graduate Written all over that one. Or maybe a Bronx graduate, no difference these days anyway.
Believe it or not, New
Believe it or not, New Rochelle does provide the opportunity for a great education. However, spending is still way out of line. And I’m tired of hearing how much Fire Dept and Police Dept employees are making for working 2 days a week, and 4 days a week respectively; plus they have better benefits than any private worker. New Rochelle Internal affairs is a pillar of ineptitude. The mayor wants to give Cappelli all these tax breaks…what about tax breaks for other property owners. If they want to continue the project on Anderson Street…shit or get off the pot. And if they do decide to build, then hit them with back taxes and penalties and interests. Lets see what happends when a New Rochelle resident is late with their property taxes..I assure you that there are no breaks..just penalties. The planning of this City Stinks and it’s a shame, because this could of been a great city. What benefit do we gain by Avalon and Trump…someone please tell me…all I see is more traffic and increase of taxes for city services to accomadate these developments. Other cities in Westchester are laughing at us…trust me.
ironic – this post is from
ironic – this post is from someone named “makenewrobetter” – what a paradox…
so move the f*ck out!!!
so move the f*ck out!!!