If you checked the Collection Calendar in the City of New Rochelle Department of Public Works 2009 Residential Waste & Recycling Information booklet recently you might have found yourself a bit confused. July 5th was omitted from the calendar so that the first Sunday in July is shown as July 6th and all the other days for the rest of the month are incorrect after that.
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They fixed the July 5th error on the PDF version of the trash collection schedule on the City web site so you can download a “corrected version”. Note, however, that the City left the October error.
Check the Parks and Rec Booklet
If we are going to get down to this kind of detail let me add that the Parks and Rec booklet for New Rochelle states that Maplewood Park is located off of Stratton Road when it sits a 100 yards off of the corner of Surrey and Gaby Lane. This corner is at approximately 1/4 mile from Stratton.
Proof Read your material.