New Rochelle honored parents from around the city Monday as part of a new initiative to promote and uplift good parenting as a central vocation for the realization of healthy families and communities. On hand were many New Rochelle dignitaries including New Rochelle Police Commissioner Patrick Carroll, Mr. Alan Inman of the American Family Coalition, Rev. Compton of the Westrock Family Church, Ms. Beuenia M. Brown of the President F. Willia Davis Women’s Organization, Rabbi Ameil Wohl of Temple Israel and the Coalition for Mutual Respect. The event was organized with the assistance of the Hudson Valley Parents’ Day Committee.
Recipients of the first-ever Excellence in Parenting Award for New Rochelle:
Rodric and Wanda Crosswhite [pictured with their two children]
Rev. Bruce and Debby Grodner [Debby was unable to attend]
Hilde Grodner [pictured with her son Bruce Grodner (l.) and Deputy Mayor Richard St. Paul (r.)]
Martin and Wendy Rose Sanchez [pictured with Alan Inman of the American Family Coalition (l.) and Deputy Mayor Richard St. Paul (r.)]
David and Marjory Karlin [pictured with their two children and Rabbi Amiel Wohl (l.) and Deputy Mayor Richard St. Paul (r.)]
Also honored, Paul and Illissa Warhit who were unable to attend due to a prior commitment but sent their regrets and a note of thanks which was read aloud.
Deputy Mayor Richard St. Paul served as emcee for the event [pictured below].
Former Councilwoman Beuenia M. Brown [pictured below] congratulated the recipients of the first-ever Excellence in Parenting Awards and expressed her hope that this inaugural event would go on to become a signature event for the City of New Rochelle.
NOTE: Apologies for the image quality. For some reason most of the lights in the room were turned off so this event which was lightly promoted was also, somewhat inexplicably, held in the dark. Hopefully next year the event will be more heavily promoted in advance and held with the lights all the way up.
I shot some video on my phone. This video is REALLY dark but actually gives you a good sense of just how low the lights were. The audio is very good so at least you can hear.
Martin and Wendy Rose Sanchez receive their New Rochelle Excellence in Parenting Award from Richard St. Paul
Hilde Grodner receives her New Rochelle Excellence in Parenting Award from her son, Rev. Bruce Grodner.
David and Marjory Karlin receive their New Rochelle Excellence in Parenting Award from Rabbi Amiel Wohl.
UPDATE: Greg Maker has a story about this now over at The Sound Report