Your Humble Editor with the Former Vice President of the United States

Written By: Robert Cox

MTSU-March08-Al Gore-455px.jpg

I spoke at a conference at Middle Tennessee State University last year but only received this photo from the conference today due to some mixup. Yes, that is Al Gore in the middle. The fellow to his left is Jimmy Wales the founder of Wikipedia and to this left is John Seigenthaler, the host of the event and founding editor of USA TODAY. To his left is Cass Sunstein, a law professor from my alma mater, University of Chicago. Sunstein is a good friend of President Obama and was named as one of his so-called “czars” as head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Also pictured is Jonathon Landman of the New York Times, Karen Brown Dunlop, President of the Poynter Institute and Beverly Keel who runs the Siegenthaler Chair of Excellence at MTSU.

This really has nothing to do with New Rochelle except that I am from New Rochelle but it strikes me as useful, from time to time, to remind some of the various powers-that-be here in the Queen City that I did not just fall off a banana boat one day and start a blog about New Rochelle. For those who have comforted themselves with the notion that the Talk of the Sound would just dry up and blow away — think again.

8 thoughts on “Your Humble Editor with the Former Vice President of the United States”

    1. You are certainly correct…
      …on both counts.

      The photo is real.

      I am the most humble person I know.

  1. This is the fakest picture I’ve ever seen.
    I’m sure gore is happy you’re passing this around and pretending to be his buddy.

    1. Hmmm…fake?
      How could I convince your sharp mind that I really did speak at a conference with Al Gore? And that afterwards I really was photographed with him and the other speakers?


      It’s not like I would have video of the Vice President introducing me and my fellow panelists at the event. He is far to busy for that.

      I think you are just going to have trust that this is a REAL photo.

  2. State Of the City
    The state of the City is deteriorating.
    1.The Roads are in terriable shape,. Just drive up Webster, And watch the cars try to avoid the holes and utiliy covers (water And sewer) that were never raised properly. Thanks street and sewer inspectors nice job,and your commisoners who dont live here or care.
    2. Police and community relations (Stink)
    They often coop in parking lots at night instead of patroling the community. I woke one up not to long ago. And they give tickets out for cell phones,(hypocrites)while we all witness them on theres while driving the patrol car. Commisoner of police needs to be replaced! So he can play more free golf at Wykagyl CC.
    3. The garbage thats put out on the steets on weekends by residents and refuse bags all over the city on the wrong days are never issued summons. Nice job city to lazy to get out of the car.
    Mr mayor you say the State Of the City Is Strong I Say your Wrong!
    The Writer is a 35 year resident who cares and also a NR Business Owner. In case anyone cares.

    1. State of the city
      Driving up north Ave I did see those leaf bags on the road they Are ugly, And while going to CVS in Wykagyl I saw 2 patrol cars parked and were still there when I left. You may have a point.

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