Phil Reisman’s “Must Read” Piece in the Journal News on

Written By: Robert Cox

reisman.jpgJournal News columnist Phil Reisman has a must read piece up today:The Public-Private Labor Equation: Is It Fair?

Reisman says the report should not be a surprise to anyone:

Given the decline in American manufacturing, continuing corporate downsizing and outsourcing of jobs overseas, last week’s announcement by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that most union members in the country are now public-sector employees should really come as no surprise. Private workers now account for only 7.2 percent of the union work force, the lowest since the days of Upton Sinclair and the labor muckrakers of the early 20th century.

Then the kicker:

On average, public workers now make more than private workers. They pay little or nothing for health-care benefits. They have real pensions, some of which are scandalously padded by overtime. Frankly, there is no good excuse for $200,000-a-year police lieutenants, and I doubt I’m the only one who’s getting sick of seeing it in The Journal News. (emphasis added)

Reisman is channeling the same sort of frustration as was evident last week in Massachusetts when Republican Scott Brown replaced Ted Kennedy in the Senate. At a local level it is the same sort of frustration that led to an even bigger upset here in Westchester, Rob Astorino’s defeat of long-time incumbent Andy Spano as County Executive. It will be interesting to see how this plays out here in New Rochelle if long-time incumbent Cindy Babcock-Deutsch decides to run again for school board given her track record of overseeing massive budget increases, corruption, and, while President of the school board, the dirtiest, most foul school cafeterias in Westchester County.

2 thoughts on “Phil Reisman’s “Must Read” Piece in the Journal News on”

  1. Well said Phil
    Here’s some interesting facts about the dangers and costs of unions running wild . I think we’ve reached that enough is enough point . I don’t mind union members funnelling overtime to outgoing members , the OT is going to go to someone , it’s the legacy costs of decades long inflated pensions that kills us . In all fairness , both sides of the table agreed to the system as it stands but it just goes to show where the power lies . Not with the public at large . The whole idea of a generous pension was to make up for the lower wage . Not the case anymore . Why do I care ? It’s MY MONEY . Stop the madness

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