The Armory Series – Proving How the City of New Rochelle Failed to Comply With the State Mandated Deed Restrictions

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

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Yes indeed, the city, by its own admission, acknowledges their responsibility for maintaining the Armory.

The Armory was deeded to the city with the specific intention and requirement that" said premises shall be improved and maintained…". As you can see from thiscurrent screen shot of the official City of New Rochelle web site, the Property and Grounds Bureau, under the direction of the city engineer, is directly responsible for the maintenance of the Armory, among other buildings. Having said that, the obvious and purposeful neglect by current and previous administrations would be considered a breach of contract as defined by the legal and binding deed accepted between the City and State. Very little effort towards maintenance and control of the building and property would have, no doubt, prevented the current damages from developing.

The current administration has evicted everyone who has participated in, and anyone who has attempted, utilizing, and by extension, maintaining the Armory. Absolutely anyone who has come forward to promote the Armory has been ignored, turned away, or dismissed as being against progress in this fine city. Progress will truly be realized and the city as a whole will experience the immeasurable benefits if only the city leaders would just reach out to the extended hand that asks only for their cooperation. Visit the new Armory website and watch the archive of history grow. When we can recognize the enormous service and importance of those who passed through the doors, the conclusion will be clear.

It’s Your Armory. USE IT- DON’T LOSE IT !
