LeCount Square MOU with Capelli Expires, Ending Sad Chapter in New Rochelle’s Downtown Development Plans

Written By: Robert Cox

Capelli Enterprises has failed to meet agreed upon exterior improvements by July 31st,, a key condition of a recently signed extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of New Rochelle and Capelli Enterprises for a planned development of the area bounded by North Avenue and LeCount Place and Huguenot Street and Anderson Street in downtown New Rochelle.

…Be it resolved, that the City Council of the City of New Rochelle hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute a Fourteenth Amended MOU to amend Section 2.2 of the MOU to amend Section 2.2 of the MOU to amend the Exclusivity Date through December 31, 2010, upon the following conditions.

1. By July 31, 2010, exterior improvements shall be made to 5 Anderson Street to the satisfaction of the Department of Development. If such improvements are not made by July 31, 2010, the MOU shall automatically expire…

5 thoughts on “LeCount Square MOU with Capelli Expires, Ending Sad Chapter in New Rochelle’s Downtown Development Plans”

  1. PLEASE – get rid of Bramson, Sussman and Fertel
    for the sake of new Rochelle.

  2. No window decals this morning
    We just drove by and there were no decals on the buildings.

    Remember when in the 1980s Koch (I think) had decals put on all the windows of the decaying buildings in the Bronx. I remember seeing them. Some had curtains, plants, cats, etc. I remember thinking that they were really odd.


    But, as many of the Bronx buildings have since been renovated, the decals will be better than the way it looks now.

  3. 5 Andersen in Arrears
    While I agree with Forechecker, the three Stooges; Noam, Lou and Joe, still have something up their sleeve. It will be revealed that the Development Department or more specifically the commissioner allowed an extra day since the 31st was on a Sunday or changes to the original plan were made by the Council on the Arts requiring additional time or some other BS concoction. When the smoke clears this is a legal contract and the commissioner of development does not have the legal authority to change it. The legal agreement is with the City and any and all changes would require council approval. The MOU which was amended recently and requires “exterior improvements” demonstrate how inept the City is when it comes to negotiating with developers. The Council’s focus was clearly on the blight which exists at 5 Andersen and while that is noteworthy what dives any municipality is its ability to deliver services and establish reasonable quality of life. To deliver services and create outstanding quality of life a community requires revenue the largest portion derived from property taxes. So as it stands, if Cappelli is allowed to continue through some feeble interpretation this project will move forward while the property ay 5 Andersen St. is $150,000 in arrears on taxes. What a joke.

  4. Good riddance?
    I thought that that New Rochelle “artsy” group which met this past Tuesday, perhaps illegally, extended the MOU to Capelli until December 31st. Did I miss something?

    That being said, nothing has been done to the properties on Anderson Street, I drove by last night. Unless, of course, plywood in the windows is now considered art . . . looks like another upstate New York manufacturing town gone bad.

    IDA…Idiots Defacing Anderson (St).

  5. Theatrics, Slight of Hand and Bramsons love of Cappelli Magic
    Imagine placing your entire political career on Cappelli Enterprises. There should be a downtown tour trolley and all the Vision of Mayor Bramson. Forget Robert Mosses we got Noam, Lou and Joe.
    What no Silver Bentley in the Video coverage directing the placement of Window dressing in the early morning hours. I had this more like a all nighter where by Bramson, Stowe, Sussman and Fertel along with Strome in his smoking jacket watching the great work of these great visionary developers as they move some Photos onto the windows of all the success. Come-on thats it no Chuck Schumer on the steps of the Post Office. Although the Countdown reveals this is over I would expect “It aint over till its over” will apply.

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