5 Anderson Meets Deadline…3 Weeks Latre

Written By: Robert Cox

Whatever exterior improvements were going to be done at 5 Anderson by Cappelli Enterprises appear to be completed. Talk of the Sound is pulling down its Cappelli Countup Clock at 20 day and 16 hours and 22 minutes and 14 seconds. This is about three weeks past the date at which the MOU expired of its own terms and 16 days after the Mayor say if the work was not completed in 14 days he would expect the Development Commissioner would make a determination that the terms of the MOU had not been met but 1 day before the new-new-new deadline announced by the Mayor 3 days before the new-new-new deadline. Got all that?

Here is what Capelli proposed to the Municipal Arts Commission…

Here is what Cappelli actually did…

A few final thoughts:

Since Cappelli did not incorporate key and important conditions defined by the New Rochelle Council on the Arts by the drop dead date set by council to force Cappelli to put up or shut up concerning the Lecount Square Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the extension is over by its own terms.

— Words you will never here spoken in City Hall


The City Council is not scheduled to meet until September so it will be interesting to see how the Republicans, who voted against the extension last June, will deal with the City Manager and the Development Commissioner who appear to have acted against the will of Council.