A New Search At SUNY Optometry For Vito’s Job Starts Today

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

The process starts all over again this week in the search to fill the now vacant position of Assistant or Associate Director of Maintenance held by short timer Vito Costa at SUNY. This time they changed it up a bit renaming the position as Chief Engineer.

Frank Orehek will again head the committee along with his assistant, and several others to try and fill this position that has held eight different individuals over the last 6 years. Now that’s a turnover statistic that should be looked at!

It seems that not many people can hold the position for long as the leadership of the department is confusing at best. This position at SUNY is sort of a “buffer” between Frank and the watch engineers.

While Frank likes to have someone in the position, he still tends to get very involved in the day to day issues he knows little or nothing about. I would say that he can be classified as a micro manager.

So put your bet in on the pool for this person’s longevity at SUNY. I have 60 days until old Frank puts out the claws!