District 3 Candidate Peter Parente Endorsed By Firefighters Union

Written By: Talk of the Sound News


Candidate Peter Parente Receives Endorsement from Local 273 IAFF

New Rochelle, New York – October 2, 2010 –

Peter Parente, Candidate for New Rochelle City Council District 3 in the upcoming special election to be held on November 2nd has received the endorsement from Local 273 International Association of Fire Fighters. President, Byron O. Gray stated, “I and many of my fellow members of Local 273 IAFF are aware of your proven commitment to the issues and quality of life in the City of New Rochelle. We feel with great confidence that you are the best candidate in these troubled times and look forward to working with you in the future.”

Mr. Parente commented, “I was humbled by the confidence these brave fire fighters have placed in me. As a nine year homeowner, I have been a long-time proponent of public safety services in our community. I am very grateful for their endorsement and support and for their service to our community. If elected I intend to work very hard to live up to the trust they and so many others in the community have expressed towards my candidacy for city council. The trend in City Hall, put forth by those who steer the direction of the City Council, has been to reduce public safety through layoffs and attrition; a policy I strongly oppose. Nothing is more important for the residents of District 3 and the City of New Rochelle than public safety.”

Visit www.peterparente.org for more information.

One thought on “District 3 Candidate Peter Parente Endorsed By Firefighters Union”

  1. Firefighters
    Good job men this guy peter is not a Noam yes he will not vote to rid your jobs like albert taratino did, just to kiss Noams ring. Its time for a change and this is the beginning of aq new era in New R ochelle. Vote them all out in 2011. Say no to Noam and his people on council.Go peter go.

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