Water Watch for United Water

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

I just want thank Bob Cox and The Talk of the town for his attention and help in getting my story out to the media.

I am hopeing that it will bring to the residents of all the municipalities that are under the reign of the United water company, The tactics that are being used by them when ever a complaint or request for usgae information is put to them .
After my own experience with the local office in New Rochelle, which I will never utilize again.

I strongly recommend to all, that you scrutinize every bill you get by comparing them to the previuos year”s same quarterly bill, and to know if any meter change has been done .ESPECIALLY in a commercial or multi familly dwelling. This is where they try to say( OOHHH it must be a leak in your building)…(Sorry I went thruogh that and proved them VERY wrong.)

It is very unfortunate in this day and age that public service companies that are owned by MEGA Corporations ,That arent american owned can dictate the cost of our own resources (WATER) being the one i am refering to.

2 thoughts on “Water Watch for United Water”

  1. I certainly can feel for
    I certainly can feel for you. Its like David going up against Goliath. You just have to be persistant, but you have to deal with them at the same time becuase they are the water company and we can’t live without water.

    Who’s great idea was it to privatize our water system anyway?

    Anyone know the history? With the recent approval of a 34% rate hike over 3 or 4 years, I just have to wonder how great an idea it was and if we’re all being fleeced by United Water.

    I know United Water is owned by a foreign, publicly traded company that’s in it to make money, and the rate increase will only go to their shareholders in the form of dividends.

    So where are our elected officials on this? Shocked and outraged I’m sure, but they still let it happen. I guess I have to thank Noam, Suzi, George, Jeff and Amy for doing nothing, as usual. Maybe they could use or borrow 1 of Carl’s baseball bats!

    1. UNITED WATER and mega company that owns it “”””
      south side man
      If you want to really know who united water is just Google cdf suez.
      You will be amazed at the size of this MEGA MONSTER.
      And then look when they merged together.

      I will tell you they merged, in 2008 ,and before the ink dried they put in for a 50% rate increase.
      And our polital reps just sat back and let it go threw.Who represented us in that??????
      Tell me this is a election time isnt it !!!!!!!!
      I wonder how much was donnated to who”s campaign for this to happen so fast .

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