In the race for New Rochelle City Court Judge Susan Kettner’s campaign is registered to a Larchmont address. Kettner paid $1,500 to a New York City palm card designer and paid over $1,900 to a Long Island City printer. Cynthia Lobo’s campaign has a New Rochelle address and her palm cards were formulated by a New Rochelle resident. Lobo is President of the New Rochelle Chamber of Commerce and serves on the New Rochelle Police Foundation, New Rochelle Senior Personnel Placement Bureau, and New Rochelle Echo Bay Redevelopment Citizens Committee. Cynthia Lobo has severed on the New Rochelle Lions Club, New Rochelle Salvation Army and Cynthia Lobo received the 2009 Community Leader Award from the New Rochelle Women of Excellence. New Rochelle City Court Judge is a hyper-local position that requires the candidate to be familiar with and invest in the community. I cannot support a candidate who registers her campaign outside New Rochelle, refuses to patronize New Rochelle businesses and relies on outside political entities to usurp New Rochelle’s City Court Judgeship. Although her carpet bagging gurus tout Kettner as “New Rochelle’s own”; a judgeship is not a birthright, it’s attained through hard work, civic contribution, experience and community investment. The only candidate who is an active part of the community she intends to serve is Cynthia Lobo.
I am voting for Cynthia Lobo, the most qualified and diverse candidate who believes in New Rochelle by investing in New Rochelle.