The Zen of Paella & Incoming Tide; Year-end review

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

…cooking Paella is very much like producing on the Incoming Tide. Having cooked a variety of paella’s (see photo), I blend ingredients creating complex flavors with aromatic intensity. In comparison, Incoming Tide’s 2010 season produced multiple productions infused with ingredients ranging from art exhibits and live performances, stimulating the cultural senses of its local community. Yummy Paella – enjoyable entertainment!

Quick aside, my prior post stated that this post was a preview of 2011, The Year of the BHAG. I decided to post that blog closer to January 1st…and thanks for all of your kind comments about the blog.

Which ingredients work best? Hmmm…so we began the inaugural season thinking of how to draw local audiences to our brand of entertainment…final decision, offer performing and visual arts projects. By the way, our mission statement reads, ‘connecting you to performances that keep you coming back for more.’

I want to thank all of my local business partners, Media Loft Gallery, The City of New Rochelle, Rangoli Restaurant, The Gnarly Vine Restaurant & Wine Bar, Don Coqui, Westchester Coalition for the Hungry & Homeless, New Rochelle’s Public Library, Atlas Rentals and SDF Printing. We could not have completed the year without you.

Year-end review:

Who and what is Incoming Tide, was the immediate question facing us. Emails, Tweets, FB post and eblast comments framed it nicely, and we got it loud and clear. Twelve months later, the immediate comment is “nice job so what’s next for Incoming Tide?”

Our ‘paella like’ season opened with A Winter Art Show, mid-season featured live music by the Don Braden Quartet, followed by the I Love Art show. Closing the season, we produced two annual festivals affectionately titled, APPETIZERS Short Play Festival and Incoming Tide’s Performing Arts Festival.

Next season features stand-up comedy, art, theatre and music – introducing you to new and existing performances. A peek behind 2011 is the addition of an independent short film festival and the reading of a new play Fold the Close.

A few highlights from the season:

■Partnered with local businesses for all resourcing
■Produced projects over multiple entertainment platforms and venues
■Production(s) exceeded our per show target attendance goal
■Increased social media presence, resulting in
■+220% FB fans, +400% Twitter followers
■29% open rate on eblast (not containing unclicked eblast)
■Increased go-to list of producers, artists, actors, musicians, comedians
■Received published reviews from, The Journal News,, Westchester Magazine, and several blogs and social media posts

A few challenges for next season:

■Blending Art & Commerce despite decreased disposable income and increased unemployment
■Developing & producing stand-up comedy
■Developing & producing independent short film festival