Wow! They lived in New Rochelle?

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

We are always reading about the home towns of the various celebrities, politicians and sports stars, but did you know that the following people once lived or are currently residing in New Rochelle?

* Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy – They lived in a beautiful home on Mount Tom Road until the mid 1970s – and I had the pleasure of selling their former home earlier last year for $1.6M. Stars of both stage and screen, they lived in New Rochelle for over 40 years, and entertained the public for many more .

* Ruby Dee and the late Ossie Davis – Both were/are long time philanthropists, actors, and there is currently a theater named after Mr. Davis at our Public Library.

* Jay Leno – Yes the Jay Leno – but only for a few months and then his family moved away!

* Andrea McArdle – Broadway’s original “Annie” – hey – remember New Rochelle is only 45 minutes from Broadway – as the saying goes.. (closer now)

* Willie Mays – Hall of Fame baseball player

* Robert Merrill – operatic baritone – who would sing at each home Yankee game.. his home just recently sold for $1,375,000

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4 thoughts on “Wow! They lived in New Rochelle?”

  1. Famous New Rochellians
    Tom Paine, Frederic Remington. Norman Rockwell, Dave Berg (Mad Magazine), Lou Gehrig, Frank Gifford, Andrea Mitchell, Gloria Borger, Carl & Rob Reiner, Elia Kazan, Bob Denver (Maynard G Krebbs/Gilligan), Louis Rukeyser, E.L. Doctorow, and many, many more.

    1. Wow! They lived in New Rochelle?
      Hi – I could have filled five pages but I wanted to make the point that 1) we have some great sales prices in the city 2) We cover a wide range with regard to famous people – stars, athletes, industry, politicians, and I didn’t want to go on and on… 3) New Rochelle has soo much history which people tend to forget… and 4) I have an idea – whoever comes up with MOST famous people who have either lived or are living in New Rochelle – I will gladly make a gingerbread house for that person next December?

      Best, Gay

  2. Wikipedia…
    Go to , search New Rochelle, go down to “Section 12”. There is a list of “Most Notables from Past & Present”.
    It is pretty interesting. Can anyone add to the list?

  3. also…
    Oh my goodness…

    Please don’t forget about funnyman Rob Reiner! He lived with his family in NR until he was about 13.

    … and…

    What about the original Shaft, Richard Roundtree. He is a NRHS graduate.

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