Clearing Out the New Rochelle Talk of the Sound Mail Bag

Written By: Robert Cox

Talk of the Sound is set up so that anyone can register, post articles and add photos. Despite this, folks can be reluctant to do so and so my inbox can clutter up with various tips, complaints, stories and photos none of which I can get around to researching, validating or fact-checking. So, with that caveat, I am posting a series of emails sent to be over the past six months. You may recognized your own. I’ve left the names and other identifying details out.

DWP at McD in Bronx

So it’s 10AM today at the McDonalds on Conner St and Boston Post Rd (the Bronx). I see this New Rochelle DPW suburban car parked there for about one hour. I was at the 4 Star Auto Glass place repairing my windshield (took about 90 minutes). What’s the rule for taking City-owned vehicles across New Ro city lines to eat at McDoanlds in the Bronx? Aren’t there streets to plow?

It is interesting to hear all the Dems and our City mis-Manager pat themselves on the back for the quick work to resolve the rest room issue at the RR Station. Take a look at the enclosed photos dated in 2006, which were brought to Strome’s attention by Mike Boyle at that time to understand the administration’s benign neglect toward this gateway to NR. And of course the RR Station still looks the same except worse. The benches are the same, the graffiti is still there and the place remains basically filthy.


I was at the Mobil Gas station where Main St meets Huegunot and the Turkish man who works there showed me his 47 stitches he received two weeks ago when he was robbed by three people. He fought them off head butted one person who fell to the ground and it took 22 minutes for police to respond. Was searching your site didn’t see it. Wasn’t sure if you had heard about it, happened two weeks ago. Every business owner I have spoken to had no clue. I am shocked no one has heard, and this man who survived this hasn’t been in the press.

TrainSt Garbage1

TrainSt Garbage2

So how long do you think it took this guy to drag everything here. So much for the “No Loittering Signs” The police dept. said they would look into it?


This is what happens right in front of my house when it down pours. It only takes 6 minutes for this to happen. The backup into the house is another whole story.

BibleWayChurch2010 0919

One of several women standing on Main St in public spaces on Sundays, refusing to move, blocking parking spaces for members of her church. 1;30 today. Commerce is choking here.


I work at the Quaker ridge shopping center. when I went out to my car after work I noticed that my car had been hit and the fender had been damaged. no one bothered to leave any information or anything. I decided to make a report with the police and the police officer started to give me a hard time. he started saying that there was no way that my fender was hit and he tried to make it out as if I was making a false report. At the end of everything, the officer had told me that my insurance rates would go up and that I would deserve it due to my car having a lot of damage on it. The rest of the damage on my car was from vandalism that was done to my car along time ago when it was parked on the street and some of the damage was on the car when I bought it because it is a used car. The officer seemed to not want to go through the trouble to make the report. This has happened to me on more than one occasion with separate officers from the New Rochelle police department. They seem to not want to go through the trouble of doing the paper work which is part of their job. I work very hard between school and my job as a delivery person at Quaker ridge pizza and think that it is unfair that the officer would want my insurance to go up and just because I am a young driver. Is there any advice that you would be able to give me on how to deal with a police officer like this? Is it possible for you to put a short article on your web site about what happened and give others in my position advice on what to do if a police officer tries to pull this off on anyone else? Thank you!


Would love to see you do a story and bring some attention to Avalon Towing. These guys boot cars all over New Rochelle with their primary stomping ground being McDonald’s on North Ave. I have watched them boot everyone from little old ladies to college students for no apparent reason. I understand that if you park on private property and walk off the property you leave you car subject to a boot. When you see the work of Avalon Towing this doesn’t always apply. I myself have been subject to a boot from Avalon towing and know of others who unfairly had to pay this $50 boot fee. I even contacted the local police dept and was told that they are aware of the problem with Avalon Towing but are helpless to stop what appears to be criminal activity..please help…It’s my understanding that the owner of Ave Deli and Eatery is so fed up with Avalon that he posted large fliers on his buildings and even went so far as to hire a man with a billboard to stand outside Mcdonalds to alert everyone of this situation, if you look inside the parking lot you’ll see the fliers im referring to…I dont know how you can do this story but im sure if you went into the Eatery or Ave Deli you shoud be able to gather lots of info on Avalon,,goodluck

4 thoughts on “Clearing Out the New Rochelle Talk of the Sound Mail Bag”

  1. Yea, but…..
    Doesn’t that lot belong to McDonalds? Isn’t it THEIR private property? Maybe someone from McDonalds is calling them to keep people from parking there? I’m sure they posted signs. Perhaps an inquiry should be made to them. Although, it IS private property and they DO have the right.

    Just saying is all….

  2. let them try to stop me from
    let them try to stop me from parking. they will have a mercedes emblem rite up there ass…….

  3. run that bitch over, i bet
    run that bitch over, i bet they wont stand there anymore…….

  4. Who’s The Boss?
    So it’s 10 am and a DPW surburban car is in the Bronx at a McDonalds????? Where’s his boss? Atlantic City? And this is how my tax paying money is spent! Shame on you City Hall!

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