School Crossing Guard Hit By Car Glenmore and Webster.

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

There needs to be a light at Webster and Glenmore this intersection is extremely busy and dangerous during the school drop off and pick up. There are 2 schools on Glenmore and people are speeding down Webster with no intention of stopping when the crossing guard stands in the middle of Webster basically risking her life. How many more crossing guards need to be hit before something is done? I am almost positive this is the second crossing guard that has been hit by a car in this intersection.

School Crossing Guard Hit By Car Glenmore and Webster.


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5 thoughts on “School Crossing Guard Hit By Car Glenmore and Webster.”

  1. get out and vote

    vote for Bob Cox and Box Cox alone otherwise you will dilute the note which is exactly the school bord is trying to do with their dirty cam0pain. That is why they stuck too many members in the race; An African American, two Women and A Latino. They want to keep the’r free spending ways that it would be a disaster for NR. they want to keep the only person that will be on top if their wasting spending habits far away from their board. Lets’s not forget, they are our elected officials and work for us for out betterment. Bob Cox will rid the Board of Ed of its mismanagement and put a few more dollars in our own pockets by keeping the Super and Board in check. So make the effort to vote and encourage all your NR neighbors to do the same. We don’t want to see rising tax costs each year; we don’t want essential programs cut and we certainly don’t want to lose quality teachers.

    1. Nicely worded, it was a pleasure to read!
      Nicely worded, it was a pleasure to read!

    2. Cox for Board signs
      Numerous people have told me how signs for Bob that they have placed on their personal property have magically disappeared.
      This is turning ugly and there’s no reason for it. C’mon guys, don’t be scared of Bob- and remember every game has rules that you play by-that’s what you teach your kids-why don’t you try to act like grownups and let your votes do your talking rather than acting like a bunch of thugs.

      1. missing signs
        They climbed thru my flower garden to get my signs. I just planted new flowers this week. They are lucky I was not home!!!

      2. A license plate has been idenfified
        One of the perpetrator’s license plate has been identified. A police report and much embarrassment is sure to follow.

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